Update 2014 BankruptcyMisconduct is once again shown to be clairvoyant. Traditional media are picking up on the inherent Conflict Of Interest issue involving Jones Day and the Detroit Bankruptcy case. Whenever you have bankruptcy lawyers with connections to involved banks, it can never go well. So while many in the main stream media report that 'compromise with the banks' has been reached, only a few draw the connection between the conflicted lawyers in charge of it all actually cutting deals which benefit their banking buddies. Here we see Wallace Turbeville write at Demos.org : The proposal includes a new provision that places the possible misdeeds surrounding the city’s financial dealings squarely before the bankruptcy court by releasing the bank counterparties from liability in deals related to, but different from, the swaps. There may even be other undisclosed concessions in the settlement. Maybe this new settlement is not an improvement after all.
If only Mr. Schuette had taken the written reports delivered to him and his staff, which showed a pattern of conflict of interest violations by the dirty lawyers. If only Mr. Schuette did his duty with respect to the privileges granted out of state lawyers to appear pro hac vice to make money on things like the Detroit case. You see, any lawyer visiting Michigan is automatically bound by Michigan ethics rules, and that includes their conduct elsewhere. Yes Virginia, Bill Schuette did have the power to kick Jones Day's greedy dirty asses out of MIchigan. And he still does, his failure continues! _______________________________ Oh no! Mr. Bill .... How uncomfortable to be made to choose between the polite camaraderie of legal industry professional courtesy, and your sworn oaths to defend all of Michigan's laws and its people. But BankruptcyMisconduct will make it easy for you, Mr. Bill Schuette. Over the coming days, we will roll out for you the simple authorities and obligations that you have. And then we will list some simple questions that you really need to ask the Jones Day lawyers about the misconduct in the past, and their sworn filings in Michigan courts. Here is just a little relevant thing to make sure you realize that your actions are in play:
Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct
Rule: 8.5 Disciplinary Authority; Choice of Law (a) Disciplinary Authority. A lawyer admitted to practice in this jurisdiction is subject to the disciplinary authority of this jurisdiction, regardless where the lawyer’s conduct occurs. A lawyer not admitted in this jurisdiction is also subject to the disciplinary authority of this jurisdiction if the lawyer provides or offers to provide any legal services in this jurisdiction. A lawyer may be subject to the disciplinary authority of both this jurisdiction and another jurisdiction for the same conduct. Conflict Of Interest - Like Money - It's The Root of all Bankruptcy Misconduct