Menendez Indicted
Thanks to all the Feds working behind the scenes, reviewing materials from BankruptcyMisconduct, and holding Justice above the lure of easy Quid Pro Quo revolving door employment. And to our readers, we promise there is more to come... Do we think that Menendez will cut a deal and rat out some hedge funds?
************************************************************************** Feds To File Criminal Charges against Menendez

Just two years earlier, in late January 2013, BankruptcyMisconduct sagely predicts the demise of the powerful influence of Bob Menendez with the boldly entitled Bob Menendez Implosion Watch. Like many times before, we were denigrated for "slinging mud" upon the illustrious public service of a great man. And here were are having come full circle once again proven sagely stalwart against corruption. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but just like the recidivist oath and conflict violating lawyer scum we routinely identify, we've nailed another powerful politician. Yes, this web site uniquely presaged the downfall of Eliot Spitzer (former USDA, NYAG, NYG & longtime money laundering organized crime member) who ignored certified letters evidencing death threat advice by counsel in re: WorldCom. And don't forget our unique and similarly bold prediction of the demise of Dewey LeBoeuf, as well as the informing against management by disgruntled lawyers within. And what a small world it is, as we've already reported (and will expound on further soon) a very major contributor to BankruptcyMisconduct, along with a co-worker, were personally threatened by Jersey City Police at the specific direction of employees of the Jersey City office of Senator Robert Menendez. We will provide yet another warning to the lower level players on the buy side, sell side, and their attorney facilitators/collaborators, in the context of non-legal advice: Cover your ass now! Send letters and memos, then seek a deal. Better to get a book deal, than an extended sentence. Heck, we might take this paragraph and rework it into a new page ...
- 3/24 ABC reports Menendez refuses to talk to Dominican Prosecutors
- 3/21 Abramoff: 'No Question' Melgen-Menendez Relationship 'Bribery'
- 3/19 Menendez Puts Himself "In Play" - Dares the DOJ
- 3/14 Even NBC News is reporting about the Grand Jury Investigation
- 3/14 Bob Menendez Taunts the Establishment "Come And Get Me"
- 3/13 Grand Jury reported to be Investigating Menendez
- 3/4 Continuing favoritism revealed: Menendez bill to help Salomon Melgen
- 2/28 Bob Menendez 101: The story of Bob Menendez and his donor Salomon Melgen
- 2/26 Menendez plays the Race Card, blames his "influence for sale" controversy on Racism
- 2/25 Menendez "I'm a Victim" - invokes Martin Luther King at Church service
- 2/21 Amid Scandal - Menendez Approval rating plummets from 51% down to 36%
- 2/22 Senate Ethics Panel Reviews Gift Accusations Against Menendez
- 2/15 Washington Post reports an FBI investigation of Menendez and Prostitutes
- 2/12 Fox News Menendez lie exposed again, left out at least one more trip with his belated junket admissions
- 2/11 The New York Times slaps Menendez and Harry Reid yet again!!!
- 2/8 Univision - Hispanic network news ignores unofficial blockout by establishment broadcast media - the Menendez Scandal Blockout - asks Qs
- 2/8 The New York Times goes negative on Menendez and urges Harry Reid to remove his Foreign Relations Committee role
- 2/8 Simon Rosenberg's NDN drops Alicia Menendez in advance of Menendez pedophilia/prostitution scandal revelations See Her Before The Fall
- 2/7 Senate Ethics Committee puts Bob Menendez under investigation
- 2/7 CBS Admission by Menendez: Intervened on behalf of "Dr. Youngblood" the non-constituent big dollar campaign contributor who flew him on private plane - those $60K belatedly disclosed and refunded hooker trips
- 2/6 Noose Tightens! FBI relocates investigation of Menendez to New Jersey! Feds looking into Menendez related whistleblower retaliation?
- 2/6 Waffle chick: Alicia Menendez hero or co-conspirator? After having scrubbed hers Dad's name off her site, she now has her site off line. Alicia was not just a daughter, with some amazing father-daughter writings. Alicia was a paid worker on her Dad's campaign, and it seems for Corzine
- 2/3 Ooops! He did it again 4th flight linked to Senator Pedophile
- 2/1 New Hero Alicia Menendez scrubs hers Dad's name off her site
- 2/1 Bob Menendez can't afford the $60K tardy payment for some of the sex trips
- 1/31 CBS Menendez with $174K Senator salary "admits" he "recently" reimbursed "Dr. Youngblood" $60K for two out of three trips in 2010
- 1/31 Carrie Levine, Research Director, CREW now considered one of the heroes of Menendez Crime Exposure
- 1/29 FBI has reopened the investigation and raided the office of his admitted travel host Dr. Salomon Melgen a/k/a "Dr. Youngblood"
- 1/27 Martha Raddatz ABC NewsRaddatz tied to Pedophilia cover-up seemingly motivated by political ideology.
- 1/27 BankruptcyMisconduct initiates Dewey LeBoeuf like coverage on the Senator Menendez Prostitution Scandal. Disclaimer - In 2005, a site contributor and his associate brought evidence of bankruptcy fraud and DOJ corruption to the office of Mr. Menendez - he refused to review or respond to written materials and instead his staff threatened such persons with arrest. BankruptcyMisconduct asserts that the failings of media and law enforcement appear to act as a cover-up of Pedophilia, names specific Law Enforcement and journalists, and they are contacted via email for an explanation and response.
- 1/25 The Daily Caller reports that Senator Bob Menendez had been investigated by the FBI for sleeping with underage prostitutes
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Additional Pages on This Site Regarding Senator Bob Menendez and his Pedophilia Prostitution Corruption Scandal:
Our Initial Coverage was as Follows:
Like you, we just learned that Family Man Menendez likes Underage Prostitutes.

Robert Menendez, known by the young girls as Bob, became a Senator having been appointed to fill the corrupt seat of Jon Corzine, the crook who stole millions in client funds to gamble on "sure thing" bets made on sovereign (foreign government issued) bonds. Had Corzine "won", you know he would have kept the winnings. But since he lost, he let countless small investors bear the loss for him. Then Corzine lied to Congress as he claimed he didn't know about the crimes. Noone punished. Prosecutorial Corruption...
Bob Menedez rose on corruption, following in the footsteps of corrupt lawyer politicians, acting like a Spitzer. Bob Menendez was in power all the while human kidneys were illegally sold to rich people while crooked Doctors, Hospitals, and lawyers all profited from this illicit organ trade thriving in New Jersey.
But what else should we expect by a slime ball who uses registered sex offenders for his political campaign:
On December 12, 2012 it was reported that the Senator's office had an unpaid intern volunteering who had let his visitor visa expire and who was a registered sex offender. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had been aware of the man as early as October 2012 but according to the Associated Press, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) instructed federal agents not to arrest the man until after Election Day.
BankruptcyMisconduct has more to say about the corrupt reign Bob Menendez. In fact, Bob Menendez has the filth of the corrupt bankruptcy industry on his hands. Please Stay Tuned!
