CategoriesFiles![]() The animal kingdom is a rich resource which could enlighten us as to many intricacies of the world, such as game theory and the many unseemly forms of Symbiosis having direct analogs in Western Law's field of dreams. Consider the army ants of the rain forest, who dismantle a huge swath of plants & foliage, then pile them in mounds. A fungus develops on the destroyed (is 'killed' too harsh a word) mass of plant matter. OK, the ants destroy the forest in order to feed on the fungus which growing on the dead leaves. OK, so let's consider what Lawyers have brought us: Our Congress (lawyers) created a unique system of Bankruptcy Law, ever evolving. Perhaps the greatest form of Corporate Welfare, or Corporate Subsidy, or Political Intrusions into Private Economic Matters is our Bankruptcy Law. Whatever. Mark BankruptcyMisconduct's words: The CoronaVirus Shutdown Scheme will be the greatest single cause of a massive rolling MegaCase Cluster**** the world has ever seen. ![]() Every now and then, a humongous law firm takes center stage and self emolliates in public. Not motivated by a cause, or a firm-wide masochistic exhibitionism fetish, or even directly by greed. won't hypothesize on the leadership / organizational DemiseWish evident by the actions and omissions of one such firm, at least not here in this free downloads section. Forgive our coy intro, allow us to introduce to you Misogyny Foerster, f/k/a Morrison Foerster. Everbody's favorite politically correct and ultra-progressive #BigLaw firm which has a small internal PR staff pimping their virtues as you read this. Let's ignore the obvious absurdity of their purported respect, perhaps worship, of #WomenInLaw and all things Diversity when they proudly refer to themselves as MoFo's. Don't take our word for it, read what a growing number of women lawyers who used to work at the form have sworn. Oh, how about ongoing suits potentially expen$ive settlements in litigation against Women ex-employees represented by Sanford Heisler Sharp. Read about Rapist and #WifeBeater Partners employed at the firm, read a police report. As always, please continue to feel free to send us tips, documents or other feedback through a confidential channel. ![]() Documents related to Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman, New York law firm founded in 1993. As of 2017 it employs 350 lawyers and maintains offices in several states. To be candid, we can't predict for how long this firm may continue in existence. We see parallels in the hubris and Peripheral Vision Impairment between Kasowitz and imploded firms like Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman as well as Dewey LeBoeuf. (Note: After imploding their firm, the #CrookedLawyers from HBD travelled to DeweyLeBoeuf which imploded shortly thereafter. Now these demon seeds are at Jones Day and we believe that firms days are now numbered as well. Of course, the opinions at BankruptcyMisconduct are just that. Until, of course, they are viewed in retrospect as prophetic. ![]() BankruptcyMisconduct is happy to provide free downloads of documents related to the illegal trick known as #DiscoveryFraud When lawyers are ordered to produce documents, they must provide them. When lawyers either directly, or through their clients or hired agents, do not act in good faith to produce documents it is more than just an ethical violation, it is a crime. Crimes include Spoliation (destruction) and Fabrication (fraudulent creations) In different contexts, there are more statutes that apply. A very serious fact is when an investigation or litigation has begun, or the offending party knows it is about to or likely to occur. Lawyers working for big #HedgeFunds are sadly oftened lured by greed into crimes of #DiscoveryFraud in order to seek favor with their big clients. The pathetic thing is that these crooked lawyers usually aren't paid anything extra for risking their law license, butt in prison, and families. #TicToc all you dirty lawyers! ![]() SEC and bankruptcy lawyers team up in a dirty scheme to protect fraudsters. See how a pro se American tries to fight the slime! ![]() This download section has documents that either presage, coincide, celebrate, instigate, or review a potential, anticipated, or actual demise of a law firm or lawyer(s). Sometimes abbreviated as #DemiseWish. BankruptcyMisconduct can offer no assurance as to the timing of any demise, neither does the exclusion of any document related to, or failure to mention, any particular firm confer our endorsement or prediction of continuing existence. Generally, the theme is always "They did it to themselves". Even the high "Honor Among Thieves" has limits - as when a crooked Lawyer flies too close to the sun: ![]() We have long been disgusted by the scourge of dirty lawyers abusing their so-called "clients" for illicit profits: Will Americans let dirty lawyers - with a rich history of conflict of interest violations - rape Detroit like drunken sailors passing around an unconscious teenager in the back room of a third world bar? ![]() Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc., et al. USBC Southern District of New York No. 09-11701 (MG) They sometimes call it a "Chapter 22" when a When a reorganized company goes back into Chapter 11, but there is much more to the story of a great forerunner of computer imagery Silicon Graphics. A creditor by the name of Eliot I. Bernstein, a self proclaimed inventor seems determined to ensure that conflict of interest and other Fraud Upon The Court does not allow lady justice to be pimped by dirty lawyers and public officials. ![]() ONDOVA looks to be just one of those cases which make the U.S. look like a banana republic. Old boy network. Corruption. It's like Mississippi with a crooked small town judge, the kind of thing that was made fun of by The Dukes Of Hazzard. Unfortunately, it is real. The judge in this case is going to get a lot of scrutiny by BankruptcyMisconduct, and his name is ironically, or perhaps appropriately: Royal Furgeson. He sure do have a serious case of King Syndrome. ![]() Anatomy of a cover up BankruptcyMisconduct will be bringing the supposed defenders of women's rights, and fighters against the international child sex trade, to the microphone to speak up on this one. And as coincidence goes, wouldn't be a hoot if Bob Menendez also took part in the cover-up of Organized Crime in Federal Bankruptcy Cases? ... Stay tuned gang!!! ![]() This is a new and growing section of free document downloads here at BankruptcyMisconduct which memorializes the RICO complaint against Mitt Romney & Bain Capital, Paul Traub and their associates.
We believe that conflict of interest issues will ultimately be the downfall of Romney and his dirty peeps. ![]() Yet another Ponzi scheme, this one targeted the orthodox Jewish community. The greedy fee grabbing by lawyers is bad enough, but they also worked hard to protect their brethren lawyers under whose lawyers the simple crimes occurred. ![]() Dewey LeBoeuf might not be the worst of the bankruptcy bunch. Arguably, there are other BigLaw firms getting rich whilst frolicking upon the playing fields of our corrupt bankruptcy legal-industrial complex whose immorality, illegality, or bone headed flagrancy exceeds these days of Dewey's Distressful Dookie. Even thus speaking as the Devil's advocate, no person can deny that Dewey LeBoeuf today is quite the assembly of bankruptcy lawyers, indeed. ![]() Stone & Webster was a once proud engineering firm from Boston. At least as early as 1996, the firm believed that corruption was a worthwhile route towards winning large engineering and construction contracts. To be sure, Stone & Webster did complete many seemingly impressive projects from nuclear power plants, infrastructure at MIT, and a helicopter pad in the back yard of Dick Cheney. But the Mafia has always done a nice job at garbage hauling and keeping certain neighborhoods safe for honest citizens, when their arguably reasonable fees are paid. It is no accident that BankruptcyMisconduct mentions "Organized Crime" so early in our coverage of Stone & Webster. You see, Stone & Webster is organized crime. And if you disagree with our analysis: as we post supporting documents here, simply register on our forum and share your opinion. ![]() Our financial crisis was realized because our legal system maintains self-serving monopoly control over the regulation of misconduct by lawyers. Each of the financial schemes which contributed to the financial crisis could not have been executed but for the participation of countless lawyers. The largest drain on our nations economy is the implicit non-legislated tax imposed by our corrupted legal system. We see this tax in the form of explicit legal fees, reductions in the availability of goods and services, higher insurance costs, diversion of talent & energies into the self perpetuating legal bubble, and the enrichment of organized crime rings at the expense of productive citizenry. ![]() BankruptcyMisconduct has a certain bias. That is to say, we tend to hone in on issues of conflict of interest. Thus we were especially taken by this assertion: One should also note that, at this point in the Cases, the Debtors, Joseph Warren, one of the executors of the Muriel Estate and the Entities were all represented by Stroock Stroock & Lavan, Judge Beatty's former law firm. see Page 31 of Sturman_Reply_Supporting_Motion_To_Reopen_by_David_H_Relkin.pdf ![]() This downloads section will provide free access to document related to the SONICblue , Inc. et al. bankruptcy cases, lead case No. 03-51775 (MM), USBC Northern District of California in San Jose, under judge Marilyn Morgan. While only a Federal Special Prosecutor may ultimately have the power, chutzpah, free reign, and lack of personal career self-interest which could result in a complete unraveling of the web of crime and deceit on SONICblue, these documents are quite the irrefutable beginning. A growing list of BigLaw firms profiteering in the murky bankruptcy industry including: Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman , Levene, Neale, Bender, Rankin & Brill , O'Melveny & Myers LLP , and Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman LLP getting a lot of attention for their apparent conspiracy to commit fraud upon the bankruptcy court in the Northern District of California. Fallout Watch... The firm of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP has boldly staked out its foundation for a prominent future on the pages of BakruptcyMisconduct by their early 2011 "amalgamation" with the entire bankruptcy team from Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman LLP , since renamed Hennigan Dorman LLP, that was headed by former founding and named partner Bruce Bennett. BankruptcyMisconduct readers may speculate as to whether issues of P&L, client losses, state bar regulation, insurance coverage, or criminal in nature related to Aureal or SONICblue played any part in this dramatic move. Reports are that Suzzane Uhland, Esq. is "in play" due to her implicit and explicit accessory to the SONICblue frauds upon the court. ![]() Lehman Brothers et al. is the largest every bankruptcy in the U.S.A. as of 2008. Of course, readers will have the expectations of misconduct and fraud fulfilled. ![]() Presiding over the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy case, and most spectacularly the Lehman FireSale Fraud we find the temperate Judge Peck. These documents relate to the "Honorable" James M. Peck. Formerly of Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP and Duane Morris LLP. Read about Judge Peck, a legal genius, and well connected member of the legal industry's Neo-Mafia by downloading these free documents. Don't miss this downloads section devoted solely the Lehman, where you can get the Lehman Examiner's Report.
![]() The "Honorable" Paul G. Hyman is establishing an interesting case law record. What is black and white in one case becomes pure white in another case. In other words, it appears that Judge Hyman will embrace ridiculous legal concepts when required in order to protect certain lawyers, and punish whistleblowers. We need to have a Federal Special Prosecutor examine all sources of income for Hyman as well as his treachery against the Constitution. There may be an interesting overlap between his income sources and his opinions regarding attorney misconduct, also known as Bankruptcy Misconduct. ![]() At the time, the largest ever, and for many years thereafter... MCI WorldCom redefined the meaning of a Mega Case bankruptcy. Congress and the Courts have long known of the inherent risks associated with our bankruptcy system, how conflict of interest can feed the corruption of Federal Bankruptcy Judges and DOJ lawyers by Bankruptcy Rings. Perhaps the criminal corporation which was running the largest series of corporate frauds would foster some amount of fraud and dishonesty in its resulting bankruptcy case... There is no question that allowing criminals to profit while they break the law will only ensure that criminals will thrive and go on to even greater crimes. Thus we find that MCI / WorldCom is no longer the biggest case ever. Just as excusing fraud upon the court in Leslie Fay with a "10 cents on the dollar" slap on the wrist emboldened immoral executives and their lawyers to construct the WorldCom frauds, so has protecting the WorldCom post petition bankruptcy crimes inevitably brought us our current National Financial Crisis. Allowing the evil pretenders to run wild on the playing field of the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Court "system" ensured that Lehman, General Motors, and countless banks in our financial system would fail. Feeding the evil who prey upon our nations failures makes them stronger and bolder. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Let's consider the quiet truths in the WorldCom case.
Who are these claims traders and what relationships do they and their relations have with the bankruptcy lawyers and DOJ lawyers? How does this favoritism relate to the unaffiliated claims trader whose counsel sought Court approval to resign rather than bring this favoritism and related conflict of interest issues to the attention of the Court? Notice how the Court, the U.S. Trustee, and Eliot Spitzer (at the time as Attorney General and Client #9 doing business with organized crime via money laundering) all take great pains to ignore the death threat advice acknowledged as accurate in the transcript sworn before the Court? And how about this little tidbit, not previously disclosed to Bankruptcy Misconduct readers:
The documents related to the WorldCom / MCI megacase in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan SDNY (02-13533 lead case number) cases will shed much light, and make a great starting point for a Federal Special Prosecutor. Perhaps a prosecutor could start with the death threat advice as evidenced by a transcript filed before the judge and confirmed as accurate by the attorney who sought the judge's approval to cease inquiry into the conflict of interest and payment favoritism. ![]() Preet Bharara sadly creates a legacy of prosecutorial misconduct and media whoring that is reminiscent of Eliot Spitzer. Bharara ignores a number of sworn complaints. (Copies of some are included here) Bharara ignores the government's own report on the guilty members of the Financial System Collapse. Mitt Romney is linked to Bain Capital first from his executive control of the hedge fund and secondly from the longer enduring financial arrangement where a portion of Bain's profits have been funneled to Romney. Preet Bharara's time as a prosecutor in New York seems to indicate, at first glance, that criminals were actively prosecuted. A closer examination of Bharara's actual record shows that certain connected persons like those involved in Wall Street's banking collapse got a free pass, not to mention the money laundering Eliot Spitzer. This downloads category hosts a number of documents which we believe will help illustrate the free pass that the hedge funds and dirty lawyers associated with Mitt Romney have received from our government lawyers in the DOJ afflicted with "career distraction disorder". Hopes and Promises ran high in the U.S. Presidential election of 2008. We were promised a new administration which would be honest and transparent. We were promised that corruption would end. And now the Southern District of New York has a new U. S. Attorney by the name Preet Bharara. Welcome To The Jungle Bankruptcy Misconduct has a page dedicated to Mr. Preet Bharara which contains a number of eMails to Preet from the whistleblower in the eToys bankruptcy scandal. As stated in the emails themselves, they were sent by blind copy to a number of third parties for Preet's protection. A wonderful set of nine detailed and illustrative documents were attached to one of the eMails. For the convenience of academics, high school and college scholarship applicants, citizens, historians, reformers, legislators, any appointed Federal Special Prosecutor, legitimate journalists, and DOJ employees beyond the corruptive influence of money & promises ... We are hosting these documents in this special Preet / eToys document download section. These documents are available without charge, and readers are urged to continue their research of the entire eToys docket. ![]() The Petters Company spawned several related bankruptcy cases as the conglomerate which was built on top of a Ponzi Scheme collapsed. While there was fraud related to the Ponzi scheme, the Petters enterprise did in fact take ownership of a broad range of valuable assets including ownership of a number of companies include Polaroid. As sad as the original fraud within Petters Company was, what is more outrageous is when lawyers conspire to steal from rightful creditors under Color Of Law, under the watchful and knowing eye of a Federal Judge. We will not be silent, nor will we let the treachery be forgotten. Read from our free collection of documents and also our web pages.
![]() eToys is one of the biggest and clearest bankruptcy fraud scandals involving BigLaw firms and DOJ officials. The story is not going away, and may very well be the straw that breaks the camels back of entrenched corruption in the U.S. legal system. There are a number of documents featured below. Documents are related to the eToys bankruptcy and frauds upon the Court, as well as the related cover-up including: conflict of interest by law firms which filed false declarations under oath, orders to disgorge fees by federal judges, communications regarding the failure to make mandatory referal for perjury / bankruptcy fraud regarding the false sworn declarations. ![]() R. S. Tare is a software engineer of great capabilities who built a successful technology firm named WebSci. BankruptcyMisconduct can not state whether the alleged acts of crime and corruption by numerous officers of the court against Tare and his firm were motivated by greed, racism, or some combination of the two. BankruptcyMisconduct can state for certain that the bankruptcy case, and any subsequent related criminal proceedings or legislative investigations will be covered. Like peeling an onion, the stench grows more intense the deeper you get into it as you peel away the layers. Mr. Tare has shown us how easy it would be for a Federal Special Prosecutor to automate a nationwide conflict search for bankruptcy firms employed by Debtors' estates with respect to parties for which such lawyers and lawfirms appeared in Federal courts. Expanding the conflict search to include conflicts related to legal services evidenced by fee payments would be an elementary exercise in data mining, such data already available to the Federal government for example under the Patriot Act. ![]() A multi Billion dollar hedge fund does a takeover of a public company, takes all the money and leaves nothing for minority stockholders. As this scandal takes place, the very same law firm simultaneously represents this hedge fund that is doing the hostile takeover as well as the same public company takeover target. The many instances of misconduct connected to the money grab and its cover-up is beyond a "no brainer" as violating written state ethics laws for attorneys as well as federal securities and criminal laws. Numerous SEC violations and false sworn documents before the SEC and the bankruptcy court, bankruptcy fraud and fraud upon the court. So what do the State Bar of California do about it? What does the DOJ do about it? How could either of these corrupt organizations do anything against one of their own? Yes, at least one former DOJ lawyer is deeply involved. And so is a big four accounting firm. The misconduct and crime here is well documented in these free downloads. While this particular onion is only beginning to peal, there have already been official court orders finding misconduct even in the midst of an industry mindset in which all lawyers whether on the bench, in private practice, or as part of the "self-regulation" scheme strive to cover-up misconduct and crime by their BigLaw brethren. readers are not surprised to learn that the failures of the California State Bar, the California Attorney General, and the DOJ to address the unlawful business model used by a number of corrupt professionals - even in the face of sworn documented complaints - is resulting in further revelations of corruption in the legal industry of California. Tracking the careers of the criminal apologist bureaucrats who enable the corruption of our justice system is not merely fun, it is our obligation if we desire a stable country in which to live free. Fallout Watch... The firm of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP has boldly staked out its foundation for a prominent future on the pages of BakruptcyMisconduct by their early 2011 "amalgamation" with the entire bankruptcy team from Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman LLP , since renamed Hennigan Dorman LLP, that was headed by former founding and named partner Bruce Bennett. BankruptcyMisconduct readers may speculate as to whether issues of P&L, client losses, state bar regulation, insurance coverage, or criminal in nature related to Aureal (or SONICblue) played any part in this dramatic move. It's like déjà vu all over again ... The greedy short-sighted management decision at Dewey LeBoeuf to accept the dirty Bruce Bennett Bankruptcy Bamboozlers is being repeated by another Stupid Stephen. Good luck to the Juniors and Associates at #JonesDay 'cause we can't guarantee how long the firm will last once they've swallowed the Demon Seed. ![]() Yet another story of undisclosed conflict of interest. When that happens in a bankruptcy case, it is a fraud upon the court and a felony crime. Incarceration is mandated when a lawyer defrauds a court. Consider what happens when false testimony is given by non-lawyers: Martha Stewart was put in jail. That is also what happened to Little Kim. ![]() A Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) submitted to a federal agency, or similar disclosure of information request to any federal, state, governmental, non-governmental, self-regulating entity.
![]() Text of discussions or court hearings of a bankruptcy professional, judge, federal or state judicial officer, or other investigator.
![]() The good, bad, and the ugly decisions regarding bankruptcy misconduct, ignoring it, FAQs on how to thrust your head into the sand for fun and profit, and related documents.
![]() Documents which relate to inquiries on behalf of a Federal power into allegations & issues which are of interest to BankruptcyMisconduct readers. Many whistle-blower allegations have been buried by related parties to the misconduct, but continuing publication of the truth of government corruption and how persons within the government have been assisting organized crime in the form of long recognized bankruptcy rings has caused other governmental officials to take notice. We are presenting documents regarding inquiries by the Legislature, Congressional Committees, Academia, the OPR, the GAO, the FBI, or even the DOJ itself which we have not otherwise been forbidden to reveal. These documents may relate to the early stages of what may become more comprehensive, or specifically targetted investigations by a Federal Special Prosecutor. ![]() Documents related to the Securities And Exchange Commission. This includes filings, administrative rules, related law, correspondence, complaints, investigations, prosecutions, penalties. Documents which related to issues involving hedge funds may be referenced here. We will also try to include information regarding Congressional oversight of the Commission, as well as career tracking of the most senior officials of the SEC with respect to their roles in the administration of justice as such intersect with misconduct in Federal Bankruptcy Courts. ![]() This category of documents related to Traub & Dreier. Acts, ommissions, consequences, & cover-up that may be of interest to bankruptcyMisconduct readers related to Paul Traub, Marc Dreier, or Dreier, LLP, individually, together, or by related firms are being made available for your download here. Please feel free to forward additional documentation. Many thanks to all who have contributed so far. |
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