Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 02 February 2010 05:22 |
This Judge is right out of Alice in Wonderland

He can look at the same facts and come up with diametrically opposed rulings merely by considering the domicile of the bankruptcy "professionals" involved. BankruptcyMisconduct has a special downloads section devoted to this banana republic bozo, as well as prominent mention in some specific pages. Some of Hyman's cases to look at in particular include:
- Baron's Stores, Inc. USBC Southern District of Florida No. 97-25645 BKC-PGH
- James F. Walker USBC Southern District of Florida, No. 03-32158-PGH
- Judicial Complaint against Judge Paul G. Hyman by Mary Alice Gwynn
Morrison Foerster's Fake Diversity Scam - Foolin Nobody
Hey to Ya'all: BankruptcyMisconduct just got to say: We believe that Big Fani Willis will be ejected from the Trump "Fake Electors" case in Georgia. As will her entire staff, even them she ain't been doin the thang with. We also think that she'll have proceedings against her in the state bar over there. Given the corrupt state of Attorney "Self-Regulation" we put her prosecution for Perjury & Witness tampering at no better than 50/50 odds.
Well to be sure, the true purpose of supporting and promoting Diversity is a noble one, and all of society benefits when it is genuine. But in light of the continuing revelations of or world today, how are we supposed to be shocked that #BigLaw has harnessed #FakeDiversity as a promotional tool? How ironically appropriate the analogy of the boys High School locker room, where the loudest braggadocio wails constantly from the least virile jock. And thus we see fee pyramids bu...
Merry Christmas 2024
#BankruptcyMisconduct presents the Delaware dirty lawyer and their #HedgeFund Friends Christmas Show
Be sure to play this video in High Definition. There is a selector for two higher resolution versions, up to 720p HD video if your internet connection can handle it.
There is so much to say about this Christmas work of art. There are many bankruptcy "professionals" depicted in the video who already appear on the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct.com
Let's reintroduce you to some of them:
Mitt Romney
Howard Marks #HowardMarks
Kelly Beaudin Stapleton
Paul Traub
Roberta DeAngelis
Preet Bharara #PreetThePervert
check back here for more people to be named ... coming soon !!
THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'Twas the night before Christmas, when in the court house Every trustee was hiding, the crimes of a louse
The fee apps were strung by false filings of fraud Now see how the criminals dupe ...
Morrison Foerster has worked quite hard in recent years to burst through the glass barricades and onto the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct.com Well, looks like you made it you greedy bastard MoFo's! And to our eager readers, here's a quick set of links to jump to some of our fun pages about Misogyny Forced-Her, or whatever they're being called now:
MoFo Christmas
Abortion ForcedHer
Larren Nashelsky & his walk on the wild side ... Stay Tuned for Art on its way
Becoming MoFo
Fake Diversity
Morrison Foerster announces name change to Misogyny Foerster
Misogyny Foerster
Twinkie & Stinkie
MoFo Halloween
MoFo Thanksgiving
You couldn't get a bigger bang out of a little chihuahua like Little Larry or Kim Jong-un - because nothing could ever be more fun than a barrel of ... well let's just call it a barrel.
You know you've really established a cult of personality when young women are eager to rip out their unborn children in order t...
Watch & Read how Andrew Cuomo - as the corrupt NY Attorney General / Governor wannabe following in the footsteps of Eliot Spitzer - protected wife beating Judge James M. Peck from prosecution and disbarment. ***************************************************************************************************************************** Federal Bankruptcy Judge James M. Peck is proud to be known as "The BitchSlapper".
And BankruptcyMisconduct.com is proud to have a document download section devoted to Judge Peck. But seriously, most of these quotes are lifted from the press, with only a few obvious 'mind reading' enhancements to fill in the blanks. Check out the police report. Read it and the articles linked below to see what is obvious and beyond dispute. Then draw your own conclusions about how our Justice system puts criminals in charge of gigantic and recurring re-distributions of wealth. And to be clear, we are not talking about giving money to the poor. We are talk...
Hedge Fund Forfeitures to pay for the New Green Deal
How are we going to pay for the New Green Deal now that Joe Biden is POTUS and AOC is now really able to help steer the course of the Nation? Well it's easy, just leverage the RICO laws and enforce forfeiture upon all of the Hedge Funds which grew on ill gotten gains by employing BigLaw firms engaged in wilful and knowing Conflict Of Interest fraud, Insider Trading, and their other favorite crooked schemes. So many Billions TRILLIONS and sooo easy to get it.
It's black & white law, so Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can just direct law enforcement to take it all first.
Sure, they could appeal. With what money? The investors would do better focusing their lawsuits on the hedge fund managers, BigLaw firms & the insurance companies. You can't fight city hall, and Federal Government is about 1,000 times worse. Just ask General Flynn or his son.
Bill Nye the Science Guy has come out in favor of the New Gr...
Fat Bottom Girls, You Make the Justice World Go Round
Perhaps Judge Engoron should do like MoFo's Larren Nashelsky does: ask Barbra Streisand for some advice on the Streisand Effect. To be sure, Artie ain't want nobody noticin' Big Al's unsightly binging in the New York City Trough of Democrat Corruption.
But gagging' a retweet? Evidently, a clever bloke known as Brock Fredin started with a tweet, which President Trump retweeted. Of course, Team Engoron operates a round-the-clock Business Intelligence operation that scours the interweb and thus found said retweet. Normal consumers of legal news might wonder why judicial personnel would seek out such things on their own. But Artie is a few clicks beyond normal to begin with. Well, the problem for Engoron is that Mr. Fredin does not seem to be anybody's fool, and the dubious Gag Order infringed upon his 1st amendment rights, not to mention those of President Trump. And as luck would have it, all of the Trump...
As our Nation is facing a number of related domestic threats, it is incumbent upon the FBI to designate an appropriate Threat Tag.
What do SBF and SVB have in common besides most of their letters? They are both frauds established upon the fraudulent alternative reality of Wokeism.
So, at what point did YOU realize that our system of "Justice" is essential a Farce designed to let certain insiders, oft delineated by race and ethnicity, to extract Wealth and collect Power?
BankruptcyMisconduct is going out on a limb, again. We are calling the impending Chapter 11 filing for the public company Bed Bath & Beyond.
Long story short (puns intended for our sofisticated readers, dawg) there is an obvious trend in the USA of Pension Funds converting their valuable assets into expenditures of dubious merit and undeniable result. Fund assets are being converted into the pointless funding of political correctness movements. The so-called "woke" ideology has been weaponized into a value destruction tool. Why? Well that's a harder question and an answer might enrage adherents to one of today's violent de facto religious movements. So we'll take a pass on that. But let's summarize that ESG and it's related anti-American radical ideologies are destructive to wealth.
Why do so many pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds and other fiduciaries embrace religious / ideological fads that harm their fiduciary beneficiaries? Hmmmm could it be ...
BankruptcyMisconduct wishes all of our readers, even those from DOJ offices, various #Crooked #BigLaw firms and so forth, a very Merry Christmas
We've got some amazing Holiday art work for your viewing pleasure:
What does Covid-19 have to do with BankruptcyMisconduct.com ?
In the history of the USA, there has never been a greater force that will instigate a domino effect of bankruptcies than the coordinated #Shutdown and prohibitions against commerce, assembly & speech instituted by various government officials. As a reader of this site, you already know we hold no allegiance to fraud, conspiracy, duplicity, sloth or the weaponization of Judicial / Governmental powers. And what a surprise that we would find Andrew Cuomo is the thick of the Pandemic promotion? There is just so much wrong with the Shutdown, where Political Correctness is married to Progressive Politics under the cover of humans greatest weakness: the intersection of fear & herd mentality.
Be sure to check out our free CoronaVirus Pandemic downloads here
Watch This Video, click below to view: Plandemic
How can a man whose giving global advice for health own a patent in the solution in the ...
Pierce Bainbridge
Every once in a while BankruptcyMisconduct learns of another BigLaw (or a Wannabe) firm that has a hunger so transparent that the gluttony deserves to be featured. And so it is with John Pierce's baby.
To be sure: it's OK to be very aggressive in litigation. But maybe it's not a good idea to employ the kind of Discovery "tactics" that Oaktree Capital saw their conflicted counsel Hennigan Bennett use in re Aureal? 'Cause Spoliation is never a good thing, even if it might have seemed that way after you snorted that line of coke. Then there is Document Fabrication too, but we digress ...
It's Just A 'Flesh Wound'
They say that De Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. Well, maybe that's denial. What kind of idiot attorney is so out of touch with reality that he's gotta make an even bigger ass out of himself, for the world to see? After countless rounds of defections reminiscent of the run on Dewey LeBoeuf (that was presaged in this site here) we find ...
Preet The Pervert
BankruptcyMisconduct asks that you pardon our bold, though sadly relevant, depiction of Bharara's disgusting hypocrisy. Please, just read this page to understand the blatant absurdity of Preet's minimum wage dispute inspired strip search, when his reign at the DOJ has protected every guilty Wall Street banker responsible for our financial crisis - causing the largest taxpayer funded bailout in the history of the world.
It takes a dirty prosecutor to play like a dirty politician, to select only those alleged "criminals" which he deems will advance his career. Preet has done worse than "merely" violate the dignity of Devyani Khobragade, a foreign national and Diplomat, for a trivial matter, even if the minimum wage dispute allegation is true.
Why does a U.S. banking official involved in the collapse of a banking institution get your blessing for a lie to you, when a foreign national diplomat get's cavity searched for an alleged false statement to ...
Becoming MoFo
Well there's got to be some sort of explanation for it. How did the #BigLaw embarrassment of Morrison Foerster come about? It's not BankruptcyMisconduct who gave them the truly ugly and vulgar nickname of MoFo, they proudly embraced it themselves decades ago. Their genius of self-promotion actually created their "Becoming MoFo" memes, so you can't blame us for taking the art to the next level. Please enjoy, share with your friends, give us a thumbs up, but always keep a small wastebasket or vomit-bag nearby because there is a fair amount of ugly unadulterated reality involved.
Seeing how much we care about our #BigLaw MoFo image, How much do you think we care about your case?
Had Morrison Forced-Her to get an Abortion?
Kind of Ironic that Diversity is heralded at Morrison Foerster, when their de facto funding and instigation of Abortion is having the opposite effect. Ethnic Cleansing within BigLaw is grotesque. To be sure, the guilty hedge fund creeps who rode the Woke Virus to ill-gotten riches have a deficit of Karma which forces them to make high profile "gifts" in vain attempts to erase their crookedness. But how many UVA Law School graduations does it take to erase the sorrow of countless middle ages women lawyers as they awaken to the undeniable fact of their barren existence?
Most normal Children love Santa Claus, but nearly as many fetuses (or is that feti) suffer from Claustrophobia.
Interesting play on words, but the wealth of content blooming on the intersection of Morrison & Foerster and the subject of Abortion has grown like you'd expect cheap mushrooms in a dank dark basement deeply covered in MoFo's #Fa...
Menendez Indicted
Thanks to all the Feds working behind the scenes, reviewing materials from BankruptcyMisconduct, and holding Justice above the lure of easy Quid Pro Quo revolving door employment. And to our readers, we promise there is more to come... Do we think that Menendez will cut a deal and rat out some hedge funds?
************************************************************************** Feds To File Criminal Charges against Menendez
Just two years earlier, in late January 2013, BankruptcyMisconduct sagely predicts the demise of the powerful influence of Bob Menendez with the boldly entitled Bob Menendez Implosion Watch. Like many times before, we were denigrated for "slinging mud" upon the illustrious public service of a great man. And here were are having come full circle once again proven sagely stalwart against corruption. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but just like the recidivist oath and conflict violating lawyer scum we routinely iden...
Morrison Foerster has just announced their plans to rebrand the firm as Misogyny Foerster. At BankruptcyMisconduct we've always appreciated Larren Nashelsky's chutzpah, taking a course of action that every other BigLaw chief would avoid. Like hiring that admitted #WifeBeater and former federal Judge James Peck: who does that on purpose? As if to remove any doubt about how the firm feels about women, they elevate the disgraced politician from Virginia Justin Fairfax who stands accused of not one, but two rape allegations. Don't get us started on Larren's MommySuit - we'll have a page or three on that coming soon enough.
With all the anti-woman sentiment on display by these MoFo's hiring practises, firing and abuse of women: it's clear (at least in retrospect) why Larren Nashelsky understands the best course of action is to "own it". So that is why Morrison Foerster will forever be reborn as Misogyny Foerster
Below is a copy of the press release, or you can download...
We all must remember to be Thankful for what we have. And way back in 2017 BankruptcyMisconduct learned that Morrison Foerster actually hired the #WifeBeater Judge Peck. Talk about the Golden Goose of Perennial Content. We have been trying to expose corruption, malfeasance, abuse of #ConflictOfInterest & discretion, as well as Racketeering woven into the #FakeJustice web of the US Bankruptcy Industry. Now we've got the No Brainer Blue Plate Special of content. Judge Peck admitted to cops that he slapped his wife around after their argument over her late return from the Hamptons. Poor Jimmy was under stress deciding how Billion of dollars in the Lehman MegaCase would be distributed when he lost his temperament. No matter, Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance & then New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo cooperated in withdrawing all charges and having the case dismissed. Now here is the Big Coincidence: Peck keeps his job & Federal pension while staying out of jai...
Document Fabrication: "Outside The Box" tool of Lawyers recruited by Jones Day
If you want to climb in the PPEP Rankings, you must embrace certain people with a background in Fake Evidence or Document Fabrication. And don't try to tell me about Fake Ethics because if you disagree, you're just a #Racist - Stephen J. Brogan of Jones Day
We've been getting heavier traffic on SONICblue and all things Bruce Bennett than when we first covered the impulsiveness. Why not tell us on Twitter if you're a "potential" client, employer, or an investigator? Perhaps you're an "actual" conflict, former associate, or public servant getting dragged through the muck. They say that M.I. can predict an invasion just by the increased frequency of communications in the lead up - not sure the analogy applies but there seems to be something in the warming Spring air... We'll only know when you speak out. But no matter who you are: Thank You for your support of this site.
Since #MorrisonFoerster's de facto decision to dominate the fame on BankruptcyMisconduct.com it seems only appropriate that their "restructuring" team gets their own devoted page. The lovely Jennifer Marines has the dubious distinction of being paired with everybody's favorite Smack Daddy Judge James Peck, who has long had a number of pages devoted to him here.
It's like Burns & Allen except the laughs are inadvertent
Brains vs Beauty or Grace vs Thuggery
Is Anybody really Dead anymore? Something rotten in the 'ole Oaktree?
Slappy Thanksgiving
Happy Halloween 2024 MoFo's!
BankruptcyMisconduct.com celebrates Morrison Foerster's Hypocrisy Halloween with some awesome Art:
Judge James Peck, Tessa Schwartz and Harvey Weinstein have no shame in their 3 way.
Jeffrey Epstein was involved in fresher "practise areas" with the MoFo's of Frisco's favorite conflict traffickers.
Tessa Schwartz shows that your favorite skinny little Succubus acts with the brightest of #WhitePrivilege
What difference, if any, is there between Judge James Peck and Harvey Weinstein? They both got away with abusing women in New York State under the corrupt, favor trading, crooked politician dynasty we sadly know as Cuomo
What's in a Name, Larry?
Note to our Readers: We've gotten heavier traffic on SONICblue and all things Bruce Bennett than when we first covered his sloppy impulsiveness. Why not tell us on Facebook or Twitter if you're the "potential" client, employer, or an investigator? Perhaps you're an "actual" conflict, former associate, or public servant getting dragged through the muck. They say that M.I. can predict an invasion just by the increased frequency of communications in the lead up - not sure the analogy applies but there seems to be something in the warming Spring air... We'll only know when you speak out. But no matter who you are: Thank You for your support of this site.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, and top of the morning to ya!
In SONICblue, organized crime committed by a cabal of lawyers is laid bare for the public to see. Crime and cover-up was used by one Irish lawyer to try to extort undeserved favorable treatment in the millions of dollars. In true shameful form we find the c...
What Decisions Does the DOJ make to Protect Us and punish Criminals?
A good question, indeed. Loretta Lynch is tasked with answering that question every day, as she determines which staff to give raises to, and which to demote, or outright fire. Well, Loretta gave a raise to #PreetBharara, the pervert who had a #CavitySearch performed on a foreign #Diplomat from India, which is an ally of the U.S. You might wonder what crime was so severe that Devyani Khobragade required here cavities below the belt be invaded, probed, and examined. Not by her doctor, or any doctor, but by Bharara's "right hand man" so to speak.
Alleged crime by a Diplomat with immunity: "We're going in !!!" ... and laugh it off when she leaves the country. Undisputed crime by a Muslim Woman arriving via countries linked to Terrorism: "We'll look the other way" ... and that is our DOJ!
The alleged crime, is an alleged false statement on a visa application for one of her staff, ano...
The NFL is More Honorable than Lawyers What does it say when the National Football League stands head and shoulders above the legal systems of New York State and the Federal Government when it comes to spousal abuse, the conduct of judges, the corruption of prosecutors, and the public trust? Andrew Cuomo went out of his way to orchestrate the cover up the wife beating crimes of a judge who would allow the illegitimate distribution of billions of dollars to undeserving foreign parties, and BankruptcyMisconduct believes that a Federal Special Prosecutor could uncover relations existing between these foreign interests and Cuomo's associations. Even recognizing the controversy regarding Ray Rice's domestic abuse and the leagues criticized response, the sad truth is that the NFL holds itself to a much higher standard than the Federal Judiciary, the New York Bar Association, and Governor Andrew Cuomo - all of whom did their best to cover up the wife beating crimes of a Fede...
Mitt Romney was about to receive a very special 2014 Valentine!
That 2nd Amended Complaint has got to hurt!
Happy Valentines Day to Mitt Romney
BankruptcyMisconduct is once again shown to be clairvoyant. Traditional media are picking up on the inherent Conflict Of Interest issue involving Jones Day and the Detroit Bankruptcy case. Whenever you have bankruptcy lawyers with connections to involved banks, it can never go well. Perhaps AfricanGlobe.net says it best, not merely exposing the outrageous fees but highlighting that simple and irrefutable recurring theme we whenever a bankruptcy filing is used as a tool for illicit enrichment: Conflict Of Interest. In the case of Detroit's bankruptcy filing, the unwaivable conflict prohibiting a just appointment of Jones Day arises by their pre-filing multi-million dollar legal services on matters directly related to the bankruptcy filing. To be clear, it's not necessary for Stephen Brogan's bankruptcy lawyers to have conspired with any third party, even former, existing or future clients, to criminally steer any small part of Detroit's bankruptcy case for their benefit...
During the last 100 years, the U.S. Attorney General who has best exemplified the machinations of our Department of Justice is non other than Eric Holder. Wake Up and Smell the Self Serving Implementation of Justice Regular readers of BankruptcyMisconduct have long known that the DOJ is saddled with an inner cadre of oath violating posers - government lawyers whose true loyalties lie with their compatriots in the Neo-Mafia. Tip of the DOJ's Ice-Berg The "unsinkable" Titanic was sunk by an Ice-Berg. The mushrooming scandals casting a spotlight on the inept, and at times corrupt, DOJ - is proving to be a terrifying threat to the financial criminals that had been operating "Above The Law" whilst protected by their moles. Yes, dirty lawyers at the DOJ - with financial ties to organized crime - protected their brethren! Dirty lawyers associated with BigLaw firms deeply woven in todays massive Wall Street and Banking frauds, Bankruptcy Rings, the largest crimes in the hi...
Another eMail from Laser Haas stubbornly restokes the smokey fires nipping at the heels of the widespread dirty players in the Bankruptcy Ring woven around eToys. Each party is further connected with a growing list of Feds whose own actions, or inactions, presage quite an interesting Act II. Oh, what a tangled web does conflict weave. Stay tuned... ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Kicking Goliath in the proverbials (emphasis added) From: Laser Haas <laser.haas@yahoo.com> To: [undisclosed recipients] Date: Sat, Apr 20, 2013 5:07 pm I was warned - back in 2004 by an email and phone conversation with Henry Heiman (attorney for my company Collateral Logistics Inc [CLI]) - to "back off" or Else. Then I get another attorney (Michael Weiss) after I put in the Smoking Gun evidence (that did force Paul Traub to confess lying under oath) - and Henry Heisman withdraws. ...
Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!
At least Jon Stewart has poked his head out of the mindless media crowd to see for himself what the emperor is wearing. In this clip from The Daily Show he takes us through the absurdity of self serving greed as Dade International is looted by the Romney and Bain money grubbing team.
Jon Stewart sums up the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney's purportedly honest and wholesome business success:
Mitt Romney's pitch to Americans appears to be: 'Elect me as your President. I have 25 years of business experience doing something I believe this country should never, ever do.'
We're sorry that it's so hard to read the names. The problem for us, and Willard "Shakespeare" Romney, is that there are just so many companies who are entwined in the greedy money grab that defines the illicit Romney Empire. We tried our best to make a few of them fit. But we were forced to make a ...
Just in case you haven't formed an opinion yet, Jon Corzine is a dirty crook and the only reason he won't spend many years time in jail is if an incompetent or corrupt (so hard to decide) prosecutor, like Preet Bharara, fails to indict and convict or Obama pardons him. (More pages on this subject in relation to Prosecutorial Discretion at a later date) The American People know that the outrageous corporate crime that has brought our nation's economy to the brink will only be stopped by a Federal Special Prosecutor who can't be stifled by corrupt senior moles within the DOJ. Update: How prescient can we be? Read more about "Teflon Jon" here... Readers who are not associated with the bankruptcy "industry" are expressing an interest in learning how their anger and frustration - with the outrageous status quo acceptance of massive financial fraud - can be channeled into actions to combat corruption. People want these financial criminals and their legal system enablers bro...
Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman LLP has some dirty laundry hung out for all to see.
There is more than enough Fee Padding Smoke here to meet the requirement that someone pulls a Fire Alarm. If not now, then the Disciplinary Rules are superfluous and self regulation is a blatant joke.
Maybe we shouldn't be surprised that while nearly every business news service was eager to report the headline of the story of a fired associate suing his former law firm for over $75 Million, entrenched media are ignoring the obvious story here about the fee padding schemes within the Kasowitz law firm.
Remember Tom Cruise in the The Firm? The dirty law firm's demise was achieved by exposing their fee padding scheme.
Preet's Hipocrisy is exposed: Lies told to Feds by Bankers invovled in the U.S. Banking System Collapse are NOT a crime, but an alleged lie by a Foreign Diplomat regarding a minimum wage dispute for a foreign worker IS a crime, so Bharara arranges for the accused diplomat to get a vagina and anal cavity search. The commercial media (all the news that they get paid to print) is often overly sympathetic, and even docile, when reporting on corruption or incompetence involving government officials. This is particularly true when the context is non-partisan, if there is no 'political story' there is 'no story'. How refreshing then to read the following in theTimes OP-ED article drawing attention to Preet's blaring failure to perform his duty in the piece entitled You Call That Tough? by Joe Nocera on May 7, 2011:
...despite concluding that [a Deutsche Bank division] executives had "knowingly, wantonly and recklessly" lied to federal officials, Bharara's office ha...
"Mork from Ork" wonders: Wouldn't the nations most profitable bankruptcy firm set their prime objective to be the recovery of as much value as possible to the owners of the company? Wouldn't the unprecedented orchestration of events that led to the extra-market demise of WaMu give rise to a broad range of legal claims that would benefit stockholders, claims that should be protected at all costs and pursued? Robin Williams was loved as "Mork" as he played an alien with an almost child-like innocence as he tried to understand the complexities of human society here on earth. Without a doubt, Mork would have great trouble understanding how some banks had their liquidity revoked while others received quite handsome bailouts. Bailouts that were supposed to lend money to business to get the economy going again, but instead were used to consolidate power among the surviving institutions. Quite funny really, the naiveté of this impish looking alien. Almost like a la...
Update Alert !!! Jones Day Swaps Gooey from Dewey
Bruce Bennett is like the Energizer Bunny of dirty bankruptcy lawyer Firmwreckers Short version: Bruce Bennett imploded the firm that he co-founded and bore his name, then Bruce's bankruptcy team was the Iron-Core Star of Dewey LeBoeuf which almost immediately imploded, and now Bruce landed at the trigger happy Jones Day firm which was too eager to "buy rights" to claim super-priority expertise in the Municipality Pension Grab game that is the Destiny Of Detroit!
The firm of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP oops, let's make that Jones Day has boldly staked out its foundation for a prominent future on the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct.
__________ Stay Tuned ___________
Well ... at least for as long as they lasted
Dewey & LeBoeuf just acquired the entire bankruptcy team of Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman LLP that was headed by former founding and named partner Mr. Bruce Bennett. BankruptcyMiscon...
***New Update*** Documents recently released include sworn allegations of multiple crimes committed to benefit Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. These documents are now available for free in a new document downloads section at BankruptcyMisconduct. We specifically suggest you review the Emergency Motion which includes the following:
Bain Capital™s Toys R Us entity is in the possession of the stolen property of eToys. Prior to this time, MNAT (as eToys debtor™s counsel) and Paul Traub (as eToys Creditors™ counsel), confessed lying thirty (30) times to this court deliberately to conceal their conflicts of interest to multiple parties. The Code & Rule of Law under Section 327(a) unambiguously dictates their disqualification. However, due to corruption, the court was unwittingly duped to pardon them. They took the pearl of leniency and trampled over this court with further lies. Hiding the fact that they all (secretly) work for Mitt Romney™s Bain Capital in their ...
We're glad we aren't Roberta A. DeAngelis because she's just about to be put "in play" where she'll have to make one of those Suzzanne Uhland decisions. Unfortunately for DeAngelis, the whistle-blower Laser just won't give it up. Hey, what is BankruptcyMisconduct supposed to do with all of this juicy eToys content anyway? Did we mention "Free" as in Free Beer? Umm... this particular "problem" is called eToys, and it is not going away honey...
Andrew Cuomo Protected Organized Crime while masquerading as faithful Attorney General of New York. Cuomo covered-up Judge James M. Peck's wife beating crime so that he could continue his role enriching organized crime in the Lehman bankruptcy. The Sad parallels between the corrupt reign of Eliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo are epitomized by the failure of Cuomo to investigate the numerous decisions by Spitzer to forgo investigation and prosecution of criminal referrals under the dubious power of prosecutorial discretion. Cuomo's tacit approval and involvement in the cover up of scandals involving Judge James Peck a/k/a "the BitchSlapper", the WorldCom Whistleblower death threat advice, and eToys are just a few which have surfaced. Only a Federal Special Prosecutor could avoid the conflict of interest issues inherent with having New York's own corrupt justice system purport to investigate itself.
Petters Company, Inc. bankruptcy case in Minnesota shows us yet another face of corruption in U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Courts. Read about the CENSORSHIP against the whistleblowers!
Watch the movie trailer of the Petters Fraud documentary:
Read these banned advertisements:
Update 2013 Paul W. Bergrin was found guilty on all counts! Murder Witness Tampering Prostitution Read the press release. Too bad for Paul that he didn't have the Spitzer Family connections, and knowledge about who profited from all those Little Playmate Coolers ______ Paul Bergrin, Esquire and Eliot Spitzer, #9 are both formerly State Prosecutors and U.S. Attorneys within the U.S. Department of Justice. But these two DOJ alumnae share even more in common. Read about the direct crime family linkages between Spitzer and Bergrin. Eliot Spitzer paid for prostitution services with one or more hookers who worked for Jason Itzler, who at first was perhaps just a client of Paul Bergrin. Once Itzler went to prison, Bergrin took over Itzler's prostitution ring and since plead guilty himself. Both of these traitors to their oaths were involved in organized crime. One was married to Barbara, the other to Silda. They both had "women" on the side, notwithstanding age and...
The WorldCom Death Threat Disclosed by counsel to the Federal Bankruptcy Judge
"I see you, I'll kill you" - D. Pick, Esquire Download and read the full transcript of the death threat advice given by the lawyer Doug, to his client in the WorldCom / MCI bankruptcy proceedings before Judge Gonzalez. Here is a highlighted excerpt. The full transcript contains details of some other bankruptcy cases, and the lawyer admits that his actions have the appearance of protecting his industry brethren.
Human Kidneys for sale by a Bankruptcy Ring based in NJ. Corrupt politicians, fake charities laundering money. Hoboken's Mayor Peter J. Cammarano III and Secaucus' Mayor Dennis Elwell were arrested along with many other officials and clergy. Rabbis engaged in money laundering and / or illicit sales of human organs reportedly originating from Israel include Saul Kassin, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, and Mordchai Fish of Brooklyn, NY; Eliahu Ben Haim and Edmund Nahum of Deal, NJ.
All of the following quotes by former U.S. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft: "No country -- certainly not the United States -- is free of corruption " "For example, in 2002, the United States Justice Department dealt with more than 1,000 federal prosecutions of corrupt officials" " I remain convinced that there is no more important area in the fight against corruption than the challenge for us within the law enforcement and justice sectors to keep our own houses clean." "In the real world of limited resources, we know that we can only detect, investigate and prosecute a small percentage of those officials who are corrupt."
This Judge is right out of Alice in Wonderland
He can look at the same facts and come up with diametrically opposed rulings merely by considering the domicile of the bankruptcy "professionals" involved. BankruptcyMisconduct has a special downloads section devoted to this banana republic bozo, as well as prominent mention in some specific pages. Some of Hyman's cases to look at in particular include:
Baron's Stores, Inc. USBC Southern District of Florida No. 97-25645 BKC-PGH
James F. Walker USBC Southern District of Florida, No. 03-32158-PGH
Judicial Complaint against Judge Paul G. Hyman by Mary Alice Gwynn
Where should you begin in your reading about the eToys crimes and cover-up?
"I remain convinced that there is no more important area in the fight against corruption than the challenge for us within the law enforcement and justice sectors to keep our own houses clean."
-- U.S. Attorney General John D Ashcroft
You might start with our Downloads section of files specifically delivered to Barack Obama's new U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.
Then you might check out our general eToys Cover-up downloads section.
Of course, you could just do a search of our site on "eToys".
Oh Kelly Dear, you're going to get famous for all the wrong reasons!
Kelly Beaudin Conlan (f/k/a Kelly B. Stapleton) has a few pages on BankruptcyMisconduct.com that you must read to grasp the eerie stench which defines her DOJ career. There is WebSci, Stone & Webster (watch for a new series of pages in the coming year adding content to the current page Here) and of course the eToys case culminating in her "Judge, Please Hide This" smokin' gun. And as your average DOJ pretender's revolving door career would indicate: "No Rest For The Wicked" ain't just an Ozzie album.
Seriously, if you were management at a distressed firm - Would you want to hire some turn-around pro's who might place just this sort of a lawyer, under a cloud of Stigma, into your shop? To hire a muddied lawyer with a background that could raise the likelihood of an involuntary colonoscopy down the road by a Federal Special Prosecutor, or some other cathartic mess, is a step backwards.
Competition for Big Cases Is Corrupting the Bankruptcy Courts. -- Lynn M. LoPucki UCLA Professor and renowned expert on bankruptcy in the U.S.A.
Last Updated on Thursday, 15 July 2021 03:31 |
SEC Ignores Written Warnings
SEC filings by client of PriceWaterhouseCoopers and HBD
In re: Aureal, Inc.; USBC Northern District of California, No. 00-42104 T11. Finally Public! This document was kept secret in deference to the SEC. Well, time's up. Let's realize the #HedgeCrimesMatter and the only way our Nation will survive these sequential financial scandals is to put the criminals in jail! Bernie Madoff was not the only hedge fund crook filling false documents with the SEC. There were other scams employed by hedge funds right under the noses of the SEC besides a Ponzi Scheme like Bernie's.
How about when a hedge fund does a hostile takeover of a public company and takes all of the money for themselves while their conflicted lawyers oversee multiple fraudulent filings to the SEC?
Harry Markopoulos was not the only independent business person who took the risk of putting his own name on a letter to the SEC warning of crime by a hedge fund. This document is the follow-up, with color charts detailing obvious SEC violations, sent initially via eMail and later copied via certified letter to Linda Chatman Thomsen and her boss Christopher Cox, to the original letter requested by Marc J. Fagel regarding SEC filings by the client of PriceWaterhouseCoopers and HBD.
Read about #HowardMarks dirty hedge fund #OaktreeCapital employing conflicted counsel. #ConflictFraud begets discovery crimes and SEC violations. The gloves are off, People are named.

You may wonder, are there #8Kitem5 ramifications? Like sequential 18USC1001 issues when extrinsic fraud implodes limitations, such that item5 becomes fraud year after year?

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