We all must remember to be Thankful for what we have. And way back in 2017 BankruptcyMisconduct learned that Morrison Foerster actually hired the #WifeBeater Judge Peck. Talk about the Golden Goose of Perennial Content. We have been trying to expose corruption, malfeasance, abuse of #ConflictOfInterest & discretion, as well as Racketeering woven into the #FakeJustice web of the US Bankruptcy Industry. Now we've got the No Brainer Blue Plate Special of content. Judge Peck admitted to cops that he slapped his wife around after their argument over her late return from the Hamptons. Poor Jimmy was under stress deciding how Billion of dollars in the Lehman MegaCase would be distributed when he lost his temperament. No matter, Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance & then New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo cooperated in withdrawing all charges and having the case dismissed.
Now here is the Big Coincidence: Peck keeps his job & Federal pension while staying out of jail and Billions of dollars make an illicit disappearance into a foreign bank. A favor for a favor can mushroom into quite the embarrassing #QuidProQuo which is why the #MainStreamMedia is always a part of the payoff.

Yes Virginia, BankruptcyMisconduct is thankful for #LarrenNashelsky & #TessaSchwartz and the practically exclusive old fogey #WhiteMale membership of the #MorrisonFoerster executive committee for their hiring #JudgeJamesPeck. Because the best Art creates itself, and this dirty #MoFo bullshit will flow forever just like the Ganges
Anywho, the Peck / Lehman Scheme would never get the eventual attention that it now will were it not for the #MorrisonFoerster decision to hire Peck. Significantly, this decision came even after they had read pages describing the Spouse Abuse and Andrew Cuomo's coverup here on BankruptcyMisconduct.com
