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Christmas Twinkie & Stinky PDF Print E-mail
Written by dFsk45L   
Thursday, 12 December 2019 15:56

Normally, a #BigLaw firm wouldn't go out of its way to hire an admitted #WifeBeater

But when your profession's thinly veiled secret of illicit payments to Judges by quid pro quo hiring of them after their official service to de facto no-show jobs is on the line, you take one for the team.  Because if there is any honor, it's Honor Among Thieves.  And Jennifer Marines sure knows about taking one on the face now and then. Well the self-proclaimed MoFo's at Morrison Foerster are not your average image concession Mo-Fos, indeed.

BigLaw requires putting it out there

Seeing how much we care about our #BigLaw MoFo image, How much do you think we care about your case?


Last Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2020 21:49

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