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Dewey LeBoeuf

Dewey LeBoeuf might not be the worst of the bankruptcy bunch. Arguably, there are other BigLaw firms getting rich whilst frolicking upon the playing fields of our corrupt bankruptcy legal-industrial complex whose immorality, illegality, or bone headed flagrancy exceeds these days of Dewey's Distressful Dookie. Even thus speaking as the Devil's advocate, no person can deny that Dewey LeBoeuf today is quite the assembly of bankruptcy lawyers, indeed.

But who else does such a consistent job of assembling dubious talent and frightful morality? Or was that frightful talent and dubious ethics? No matter. Please don't accept our opinion blindly when we are gathering here documents for you to download for free. Enjoy this growing collection of spectacular reading, and use it as part of making your own informed opinion of these guys and gals.

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Yo Dawg:  Once you in the family, you can't go it alone.  That is to say, you had your chance to cut a deal and you failed to grab it.  

Seriously folks, while one can always approach a prosecutor from out of the blue - in this case Warren was warned - and the possibility of a deal implied.  Warren "called the bluff" because noone ever indicts a BigLaw firm anyway ... Right?

Law pawns around the U.S. Take Note!  Whatever was the fire lit beneath Vance's Snow White Ass, the simple fact is that lawyers engaged in organized crime are now in play too.

 Download Dewey_LeBoeuf__Warren_Peoples-Opposition-to-Severance-Motion.pdf

Crack is really Wack!
Cyrus Vance nails Warren's Ass
Sucks to be a Zach

Download Dewey_LeBoeuf__Warren_FALSIFYING_BUSINESS_RECORDS.pdf for free!

file icon Guilty Plea by Frank Canellashot!Tooltip 04/25/2014 Hits: 4901
We're going to comment soon, but we couldn't wait to make this document available to our loyal readers.   Enjoy!!

Indictment of some of the senior partners of Dewey LeBoeuf who were involved in the racketeering, wire fraud, mail fraud etc. prior to the collapse of the firm.

Conspicuously missing from the indictment are the rest of the Executive Committee of Dewey LeBoeuf who must have known about many of the frauds, and in particular the outside Finance, Banking, Accounting, and Legal professionals who had knowledge of at least some of the frauds, and themselves engaged in willful aid and cover up of same.   We specifically mention Citibank who benefited in part financially from the ongoing fraud, JP Morgan, and the accounting firms.  {note to self: research the accounting firms' names}

"Disgusting what some pros will do for money"
                           Mrs. Spitzer

Download for free Dewey_LeBoeuf_Cyrus_Vance_Indictment-Against-Leaders-of-Firm_But_Ignores_Outside_Bankers_Finance_Lawyers.pdf

Sure, the regular for profit media reported on the downfall of Dewey LeBoeufAfter it clearly started and once they could no longer deny it.

It was only BankruptcyMisconduct that opined on the blantant criminal aspects of the firm, that the firm was operating as an organized criminal enterprise complete with mail & wire fraud.  (Um, that be some RICO predicates, beeeeyatches!)

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Enough applause and accolades, please.  Settle down and put on your mouse ears so that you may receive the rest of the story.   Or, let's say a little bit more.

The beginning of the punitve phase of the Dewey LeBoeuf Denouement started with criminal charges against some of their managements core.  Read our spin on that opening act here.  Of course, we have a similar comment page devoted to the SEC complaint against a number of the same usual suspects COMING SOON, which interestingly enough includes a few new names.  Stay updated with all the names, and their quickly conflicting out white collar criminal defense firms on our Dewey LePerp page here.

After quite a long silence, we are warming up for another run marveling at Bennett's Disasterous Wake of professional entanglementation.  To be sure, we've only just begun.

Download Dewey_LeBoeuf_SEC_complaint-pr2014-45.pdf for free from BankruptcyMisconduct

"If you like your settlement, you can keep your settlement"
                                                                  - B. Obama
ADEQUATE INFORMATION” WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 1125(a) OF THE BANKRUPTCY CODE.  Quite the phrase, indeed.  We love to cut and paste:

Federal courts have long possessed an inherent authority to vacate judgments obtained through fraud upon the court. See Chambers v. NASCO, Inc., 501 U.S. 32, 44, 111 S.Ct. 2123, 2132 (1991) ("the inherent power [to punish for contempts] also allows a federal court to vacate its own judgment upon proof that a fraud has been perpetrated upon the court"), citing Hazel-Atlas Glass Company v. Hartford Empire Company, 322 U.S. 238, 245, 64 S.Ct. 997, 1001 (1944)

Yet another respectable lawyer from a top firm, each in turn represented by highly regarded law firms, are swearing facts showing that Dewey LeBoeuf et al. engaged in a series of intentional frauds.  BankruptcyMisconduct perceives that these frauds were committed by both mail and wire.  Hmmm... Ain't them predicates to RICO?

Citibank has some employees who were specifically named, including Rohit Malhotra and a certain Maggie.

Well, you's two's best gets youself's some criminal counsel and look into cutting a deal.  Because we all know that your boss and the Citibank CEO ain't gonna take one for the team. 

Get a lawyer, and have him start working on a deal now.

And as we've been saying on our Dewey Le'Perp page, the best white collar defense law firms in the NYC area are getting conflicted out right quick.


Thank you readers of BankruptcyMisconduct for your warm wishes, we apologize for our time away. Here is a treat for you, our way of saying thanks.

This document Dewey_LeBoeuf_Bunsow_Complaint.pdf is the actual lawsuit by the well known litigator Henry Bunsow against specifically named former managing partners of the bankrupt law firm Dewey LeBoeuf. The Defendants include Steven H. Davis, Jeffrey L. Kessler, Joel I. Sanders, Stephen DiCarmine, James R. Woods, and up to 200 unnamed persons.

From our reading, the clear allegations of fraud and such crime is enough to trigger all sorts of criminal and ethical referrals. Wethinks there will be many third parties for BankruptcyMisconduct to track as to their own obligations under the ABA model code rule Maintaining The Integrity Of The Profession Rule 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct. How will all of the lawyers witnessing this airing of embarrassing laundry explain their own failures to report the misconduct?

Oh, did we just telegraph something?

 Hey Gang,

Do we feel a new page coming on?  Yeah, Baby

As Dewey LeBoeuf seems to be revealing itself as having operated as a criminal enterprise, the moiety forming the cover up will likely be first to splash the Zeitgeist.   How ironic that a law firm would take part in developing a private placement memorandum which willfully and knowingly hid extremely important "guarantee" details.  We believe it is called "Fraud".  We also think that it will be very, very difficult for the underwriters to escape RICO consequences, unless they run to a DA and cut a deal. 

And now we see that J.P. Morgan is now also "in play" due to the collapse of Dewey LeBoeuf.  We can only wonder which parties will be more eager to rat on the other.

Assuming al arguendo that a prosecutor tees up Dewey LeBoeuf, let's put ourselves in her shoes for a moment.  First, she may be a little upset at having had her precious little derriere backed down into a corner.  Right?  I mean what prosecutor would break the first rule from the Planet Of The Apes and actually bring charges against another ape?  Well take a step back.  Which of you believed any of the predictions of BankruptcyMisconduct concerning Dewey LeBoeuf, like our prescient point about brother attorneys in the firm ratting out their own former management?  OK, you should be ready to have an open mind now.

So let's wonder what madam prosecutor will ask J.P. Morgan.  "Who provided information for, wrote, and read the prospectus?"  is a good opening.  What possible contortion of truth will these lawyers construct?  The easiest out for them will be to indicate that they fully informed J.P. Morgan and J.P. Morgan were the professionals who wrote the prospectus which even Blago would remark was fraudulent. 

And thus, J.P. Morgan is in play.  What will J.P.Morgan claim?  "We asked them if there were any problems or hidden stuff under the rug and they said there is was none", or something like that.  It doesn't really matter, because at least one party was a crook, and perhaps they both conspired.

The funny thing is that these lawyers just don't get it.  They are soooo used to lying under oath in their affidavits of disinterestedness, and getting away with when caught, that they just couldn't conceive of getting jail time for lying in a private placement memorandum.

Remember what BankruptcyMisconduct said about the Culpability Gradient, and what we've always said about getting your deal first.  Oh, this story about the firm which believed that Bruce Bennett's bankruptcy bamboozlers would fit right in...

 Come download Dewey_LeBoeuf_Private_Placement_Memorandum.pdf for free!

file icon Nothing Is Definitivehot!Tooltip 04/23/2012 Hits: 4479

BankruptcyMisconduct is not 100% sure how candid The Gang Of Four and the Chairman intended to be on this memo.  According to the Wall Street Journal, the following memo was sent to all employees at Dewey LeBoeuf.  We wonder if the phrase "nothing definitive" was intended to include things like "future paychecks", whether the office doors will be padlocked in a few days, and whether the firm intends to go lawsuit crazy on its own former partners.

    TO: Global Personnel

    You have undoubtedly read press reports speculating about the future of the firm, including one in the Wall Street Journal based upon anonymous stating that we have “discussed filing a prepackaged bankruptcy plan that would allow a merger partner to take on the firm free of its mounting debts and substantial unfunded pension obligations.” The fact is, like any good managers, we are considering various paths including continuing to operate as an independent global law firm and a strategic combination with another leading law firm, the latter of which could take many forms. Nothing, however, at this point, is definitive. As soon as something more definitive comes into focus, we will of course let you know. In the meantime, the best way to ensure the firm’s success is to continue to focus on doing great work for our clients.

    Office of the Chairman

    Charley, Jeff, Martin, Rich and Steve


We note for the record that Marty is being formal.



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