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SEC and bankruptcy lawyers team up in a dirty scheme to protect fraudsters. See how a pro se American tries to fight the slime!

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file icon Motion to Disqualify Trusteehot!Tooltip 05/26/2016 Hits: 5153

The dirty judge, old Mr. Snow White himself Brendan Shannon, turned beet-red with embarrassment after having been caught red handed having received money from the dirty little #HedgeFund SilverpointCapital at the center of the Syntax-Brillian frauds.

Isn't it only logical in a fair and just legal system, that the bogus machinations of a corrupt process be dismantled.  If this isn't a "Start-Over" than what possibly could be?

By the way,  #HedgeCrimesMatter

With a little Sunlight
the vermin scatter

Woops, there it is!

Page 6 lines 2 through 8


We are truly sorry this was not teed up for Saint Patrick's Day

You know how those Irish Mafia are...

Illegal Immigrants most of them are... first destroying our police departments, and now the Judiciary loses all sense of credibility as they eat at it from the inside.  Greed, indeed.

Oh Shannon!

An excerpt from 'Shannon: A Poem of the Lewis and Clark Expedition' out of context is ironically on point:

Empty is one way to put it, another
That they are overfull
But not in keeping with a man.
Too large in both emptiness & fullness

Three dirty bankruptcy lawyers were farting in a hot tub, when all of a sudden...
file icon Cerny letter to Alan Levinehot!Tooltip 04/15/2016 Hits: 3426

Letter from Charles M. Cerny to Alan Levine

 BankruptcyMisconduct doesn't understand this Syntax-Brillian mess

 But we do understand when pro-se real people see that our system has been hijacked by the NeoMafia

Stay Tuned!