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Petters Company - Doug Kelley

The Petters Company spawned several related bankruptcy cases as the conglomerate which was built on top of a Ponzi Scheme collapsed. While there was fraud related to the Ponzi scheme, the Petters enterprise did in fact take ownership of a broad range of valuable assets including ownership of a number of companies include Polaroid. As sad as the original fraud within Petters Company was, what is more outrageous is when lawyers conspire to steal from rightful creditors under Color Of Law, under the watchful and knowing eye of a Federal Judge.

The U.S.A. does not operate under the principals of our Founding Fathers and the Constitution is in shatters, torn to shreds by treasonous lawyers within our government who place the private goals of themselves and their relations above their oaths of office.

We will not be silent, nor will we let the treachery be forgotten. Read from our free collection of documents and also our web pages.

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"The Second Fraud" is a fantastic documentary about the selfishness and treachery involving the Petters Company conglomerate after the affiliated companies filed for bankruptcy.  This document is a collection of the seventeen print ads which were scheduled to appear in the local newspaper prior to the premiere of the film.  Without explanation, the prepaid ads were refused by the newspaper.  Call it Censorship, call it a coverup, call it the Federal Lawyers' Golden Parachute.
Hey aspiring Pulitzer Prize winning journalists!  Hey pajama wearing internet journalists!  Hey kids competing for a college scholarship!   These are the official committee members in the Petters bankruptcy, borne out of the apparent massive organized crime operation that certain lawyers and accountants were necessarily employed.  Learn the truth.  Our financial crisis is this very story repeated over and over again.  Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
file icon Petters Indictment. hot!Tooltip 03/29/2009 Hits: 4465
Petters Indictment.  What lawyers has Petters been doing business with?  Why did it take so long for his business practices to come to light?