The blooming onion re: WebSci / Tare R. S. Tare is a software engineer of great capabilities who built a successful technology firm named WebSci. BankruptcyMisconduct can not state whether the alleged acts of crime and corruption by numerous officers of the court against Tare and his firm were motivated by greed, racism, or some combination of the two. BankruptcyMisconduct can state for certain that the bankruptcy case, and any subsequent related criminal proceedings or legislative investigations will be covered. Like peeling an onion, the stench grows more intense the deeper you get into it as you peel away the layers. Mr. Tare has shown us how easy it would be for a Federal Special Prosecutor to automate a nationwide conflict search for bankruptcy firms employed by Debtors' estates with respect to parties for which such lawyers and lawfirms appeared in Federal courts. Expanding the conflict search to include conflicts related to legal services evidenced by fee payments would be an elementary exercise in data mining, such data already available to the Federal government for example under the Patriot Act. DocumentsDate addedUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
Plaintiff: You really have to issue a boner of an Order for it to be reversed on appeal. Many an unfair and unjust decision is left to stand because only the most outrageous abuse of power is reversed on appeal. And so we come to the subject of the bonehead Judge Ronald J. Hedges as he attempted to steal the Constitutional rights of Ramkrishna S. Tare under Color Of Law. Please download the full decision here so that you can see how outrageous Judge "Haughty Hedges" was in this case. Even as United States District Judge Jose L. Linares tries to protect his brother judge with gentle words, the outrageous conduct of Hedges is slapped across the face:
Unfortunately, justice essentially became a moot issue by this point. Mr. Tare's right to oppose criminal conduct of by a corporate banking behemoth was halted during the entire time that he was forced to fight for the return of his right to be heard in the bankruptcy proceedings. While Mr. Tare belatedly won the battle, the underlying war against a "connected" neo-mafia was lost to the benefit of the clients of conflicted bankruptcy counsel. This is an oft used technique of organized crime that operates within our justice system. Bogus orders are issued and even if reversed, the crime family's interest wins by attrition and the criminal judge escapes punishment. We need a Federal Special Prosecutor to examine the connections between the dirty Judge Ronald Hedges and the criminal conduct by a number of parties in this mushrooming WebSci scandal. It appears that Mr. Tare also uncovered evidence of extensive Conflict Of Interest violations by counsel in the case, which themselves are but another instance of ostrich behavior by our lovely Smelly Kelly Stapleton. Hmm... almost like a theme. Where there is crime in a bankruptcy case - there is often crimes related to Conflict Of Interest disclosure...
Ramkrishna S. Tare is what they call a smart cookie. In my opinion, he also seems to be the kind of man who would be welcomed and respected among the Founding Fathers of our nation. There is just something about a person who knows right from wrong, and will stand up to injustice as dealt by self appointed "royalty". The WebSci case is just beginning to mushroom for reasons that include yet another "lapse" by Kelly Stapleton as well the underlying crimes by Mr. Tare's opponents, which are now beginning to come to light. This document is a letter to John D. Dingell, then a member of Congress.
Mr. Tare is a lot more resourceful, diligent, and committed than his unfortunate alleged opponents in organized crime acting under the Color Of Law would have hoped. May we please have a Federal Special Prosecutor appointed at least as gung ho as the prosecutors who convicted Scooter Libby, Martha Stewart, L'il Kim and indicted Barry Bonds? This case is looking like a slam dunk for any prosecutor to start his career with an apple-cart upsetting grand slam. Or should we say grand slammer? And what politician desires to have his name on the receiving end of a certified package detailing the crime allegations related to the bankruptcy conspiracy against WebSci, and then have to face public ridicule (if not criminal) for failing to act?
WebSci: This case might exemplify the audacious criminal element which operates with the authority of the Court in some of the small business bankruptcies. Allegations include a private Trustee who 1) filed false sworn affadivats which hid a business relationship with the secured lender, 2) the failure to disclose sale proceeds on a sworn operating report, 3) the failure to place sale proceeds in the Debtor's bank account or in a trust bank account, 4) conspiracy to deprive a pro se business owner of a voice by speciously ordering any appeals filing to first be approved by the lower court, 5) the suppression of appeals filings by holding same and failing to deliver to the appeals court, and 6) threatening a pro se business owner with incarceration for having the nerve to file evidence with an appeals court of fraud upon the lower court by opposing counsel. Watch this case. We will and we won't let its ultimate resolution, including all derivative criminal matters, disappear quietly. If John Grisham wrote this story as a novel, he would be derided by legal experts as having constructed a plot that was too far fetched.
George D. Reynolds of the Judicial Conference of the United States Committee on Financial Disclosure released to Mr. Tare, at his specific request, the proof of Judge Rosemary Gambardella having owned stock in Verizon. Why didn't Ms. Gambardella consistently recuse herself from issues involving companies in which she owned stock, but instead employed a willy nilly decision method so that she stayed in control of rulings against WebSci and Mr. Tare?
BankruptcyMisconduct has heard rumors that a Judge deciding issues in the WebSci matters in favor of a certain prominent national bank was at the same time being sponsored by the very same bank at speaking engagements. Show us the money. Keep an eye on the documents related to WebSci here. |
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