Lehman Brothers et al. is the largest every bankruptcy in the U.S.A.
Of course, BankruptcyMisconduct.com readers will have the expectations of misconduct and fraud fulfilled.
Where do we begin...
The BitchSlapper
First of all, the case is presided over by The BitchSlapper. Normally we don't call a Federal Bankruptcy Judge a "bitchslapper", but who are we to second guess the NYPD? It doesn't matter that his Honorable Judge Peck admitted hitting his wife to police officers at the scene just prior to his arrest, or that his wife was treated at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. You see, Andrew Cuomo as Attorney General of New York State was not going to let the midas boy of the Neo-Mafia go to jail, or even get fined. The prosecution of this slam dunk case was dropped faster than you can say "FireSale".
 Next, the case was rushed into a partial liquidation. Of course, this doesn't mean that the company was settled quickly ... and that legal fees stopped. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Rushed, hurry, quick, "we have to approval the sale first in order to find out what is in the sale". A firesale which caused many middle class employees of Lehman to lose their careers' earnings, and yet plenty of money was made by others ...
Lehman FireSale Fraud
What they rushed, was a sale of the "cream". The choice, highly liquid, and highly valued assets were sold off very quickly. Of course BankruptcyMisconduct.com readers, conspiracy theorists, and those untrusting of lawyers and the neo-mafia would automatically assume that suit wearing organized crime would get involved in this transaction. .... Coincidentally, and entirely unrelated to such negative, unproductive, and mean spirited expectations, we find that some of the most highly paid & prolific BigLaw bankruptcy industry firms have alleged fraud in connection with the Lehman FireSale Fraud swindle.
Lehman Examiner's Report
"Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil". Well, if we let the SEC do their own report on how they missed the Madoff Ponzi scheme despite 10+ investigations and numerous complaint letters, perhaps it is understandable if we let one BigLaw bankruptcy industry lawfirm do the report evaluating people and institutions who represent a "Christmas Carol" collection of the past, current, and future clients, co-counsel, and competitor / comrades. You'll undoubtedly notice how Jenner & Block takes great pains to hold its punches regarding the bankruptcy fraud. "Examiners who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
Even so, Anton R. Valukas, a/k/a Anton aus Tyrol - the famous Austrian skier/drinker/dancer from Tyrol, did force himself to admit that there was at least a "limited" amount of fraud. Like if there is $100 Billion in a corporate bank, and some dirtbag bank robber goes up to one bank teller with a gun and steals only $92,000 we would see a prosecutor call it a "limited" bank heist.
The case will likely keep the writers at BankruptcyMisconduct.com very busy, indeed.