The SEC once again asleep at the switch The Federal Bankruptcy Laws are meant to allow a company to either reorganize and stay in business, or to liquidate in an orderly manner. In both cases, the goal is to maximize the value of the estate while protecting the rights of creditors. We don't want a mad rush to the courthouse, like a rush on the bank. Sadly, another illicit purpose of the bankruptcy laws has evolved, that is to cover-up the crimes of crooked executives. Based upon our quick reading of a few documents available for download free at BankruptcyMisconduct.com it appears that Syntax-Brillian is another case where the Court is being used to protect the criminals.
Charles M. Cerny writes a magnificent pro se piece here. Not the most flattering portrayal of Greenberg Traurig to say the least. Seems like the fox has feathers falling from its freshly fed jaw. Oh, isn't the SEC a Fed org?