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Nothing Is Definitive
Details for Nothing Is Definitive
NameNothing Is Definitive

BankruptcyMisconduct is not 100% sure how candid The Gang Of Four and the Chairman intended to be on this memo.  According to the Wall Street Journal, the following memo was sent to all employees at Dewey LeBoeuf.  We wonder if the phrase "nothing definitive" was intended to include things like "future paychecks", whether the office doors will be padlocked in a few days, and whether the firm intends to go lawsuit crazy on its own former partners.

    TO: Global Personnel

    You have undoubtedly read press reports speculating about the future of the firm, including one in the Wall Street Journal based upon anonymous stating that we have “discussed filing a prepackaged bankruptcy plan that would allow a merger partner to take on the firm free of its mounting debts and substantial unfunded pension obligations.” The fact is, like any good managers, we are considering various paths including continuing to operate as an independent global law firm and a strategic combination with another leading law firm, the latter of which could take many forms. Nothing, however, at this point, is definitive. As soon as something more definitive comes into focus, we will of course let you know. In the meantime, the best way to ensure the firm’s success is to continue to focus on doing great work for our clients.

    Office of the Chairman

    Charley, Jeff, Martin, Rich and Steve


We note for the record that Marty is being formal.



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Created On: 04/23/2012 00:45
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Hits4479 Hits
Last updated on 04/23/2012 00:52
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