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Dewey LeBoeuf

Dewey LeBoeuf might not be the worst of the bankruptcy bunch. Arguably, there are other BigLaw firms getting rich whilst frolicking upon the playing fields of our corrupt bankruptcy legal-industrial complex whose immorality, illegality, or bone headed flagrancy exceeds these days of Dewey's Distressful Dookie. Even thus speaking as the Devil's advocate, no person can deny that Dewey LeBoeuf today is quite the assembly of bankruptcy lawyers, indeed.

But who else does such a consistent job of assembling dubious talent and frightful morality? Or was that frightful talent and dubious ethics? No matter. Please don't accept our opinion blindly when we are gathering here documents for you to download for free. Enjoy this growing collection of spectacular reading, and use it as part of making your own informed opinion of these guys and gals.

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file icon Guilty Plea by Frank Canellashot!Tooltip 04/25/2014 Hits: 4340
We're going to comment soon, but we couldn't wait to make this document available to our loyal readers.   Enjoy!!

Indictment of some of the senior partners of Dewey LeBoeuf who were involved in the racketeering, wire fraud, mail fraud etc. prior to the collapse of the firm.

Conspicuously missing from the indictment are the rest of the Executive Committee of Dewey LeBoeuf who must have known about many of the frauds, and in particular the outside Finance, Banking, Accounting, and Legal professionals who had knowledge of at least some of the frauds, and themselves engaged in willful aid and cover up of same.   We specifically mention Citibank who benefited in part financially from the ongoing fraud, JP Morgan, and the accounting firms.  {note to self: research the accounting firms' names}

"Disgusting what some pros will do for money"
                           Mrs. Spitzer

Download for free Dewey_LeBoeuf_Cyrus_Vance_Indictment-Against-Leaders-of-Firm_But_Ignores_Outside_Bankers_Finance_Lawyers.pdf

How often do you see a BigLaw firm getting sued for contributing to the collapse of an insurance company?  Make that $3 Billion dollars.  Sued by some established and respected law firms whose filing is filled with a scorching characterization of Dewey LeBoeuf's modus operandus:

conflicts, negligence, and self dealing which permeated its representation
John M. Huff vs. Dewey & LeBoeuf et al. Missouri Circuit Court, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Cole County, Case No: 09AC-CC00278 filed on May 26 2009 by Armstrong Teasdale LLP of St. Louis and Shaffer Lombardo Shurin of Kansas City.

We don't even care how this particular lawsuit gets resolved.  Corruption, or even just the practical realities of advocacy, could force the Liquidator to accept a few dollars from Dewey's malpractice insurance company - when what the Nation really needs is a Federal Special Prosecutor to put the Neo-Mafia Bankruptcy Rings out of business.  

Fact is, the law firms signing this filing would have faced serious repercussions if the filing was based upon falsehoods. There is too much here for the judge hearing the case to ignore his obligation for criminal and ethical referral.

We believe that a special place in heaven exists for those who forgo the easy profits of complacency and collaboration which dissuade many lawyers from representing clients brave enough to battle corrupt law firms.  Kudos to the honorable officers of the court who "Show Us" that among some private practice lawyers: Duty Trumps Comfort.

Read about our prognosis for Dewey LeBoeuf here.   And hey, don't just take the opinion of BankruptcyMisconduct about these alleged Demon Swallowers when you can freely download Dewey_LeBoeuf-Accused_of_Conflict_of_Interest_Negligence_3Billion_Suit.pdf and read it for yourself.

Yet another respectable lawyer from a top firm, each in turn represented by highly regarded law firms, are swearing facts showing that Dewey LeBoeuf et al. engaged in a series of intentional frauds.  BankruptcyMisconduct perceives that these frauds were committed by both mail and wire.  Hmmm... Ain't them predicates to RICO?

Citibank has some employees who were specifically named, including Rohit Malhotra and a certain Maggie.

Well, you's two's best gets youself's some criminal counsel and look into cutting a deal.  Because we all know that your boss and the Citibank CEO ain't gonna take one for the team. 

Get a lawyer, and have him start working on a deal now.

And as we've been saying on our Dewey Le'Perp page, the best white collar defense law firms in the NYC area are getting conflicted out right quick.


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