Details for The Second Fraud - CENSORED print ads re: Petters Company
Property | Value |
Name | The Second Fraud - CENSORED print ads re: Petters Company |
Description | "The Second Fraud" is a fantastic documentary about the selfishness and treachery involving the Petters Company conglomerate after the affiliated companies filed for bankruptcy. This document is a collection of the seventeen print ads which were scheduled to appear in the local newspaper prior to the premiere of the film. Without explanation, the prepaid ads were refused by the newspaper. Call it Censorship, call it a coverup, call it the Federal Lawyers' Golden Parachute.
Filename | Petters_Companies-The_Second_Fraud-documentary-CENSORED-Print_ads.pdf |
Filesize | 8.59 MB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
08/27/2010 16:11 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Editor |
Hits | 7010 Hits |
Last updated on |
08/27/2010 16:28 |
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