Details for Petters Official Creditors Committee
Property | Value |
Name | Petters Official Creditors Committee |
Description | Hey aspiring Pulitzer Prize winning journalists! Hey pajama wearing internet journalists! Hey kids competing for a college scholarship! These are the official committee members in the Petters bankruptcy, borne out of the apparent massive organized crime operation that certain lawyers and accountants were necessarily employed. Learn the truth. Our financial crisis is this very story repeated over and over again. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. |
Filename | Petters_US_Trustee_Appts_Cred_Comm_Petters_Nov21.pdf |
Filesize | 13.77 kB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/29/2009 12:21 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Everybody |
Hits | 5790 Hits |
Last updated on |
03/29/2009 15:05 |
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