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Traub & Dreier

This category of documents related to Traub & Dreier. Acts, ommissions, consequences, & cover-up that may be of interest to bankruptcyMisconduct readers related to Paul Traub, Marc Dreier, or Dreier, LLP, individually, together, or by related firms are being made available for your download here. Please feel free to forward additional documentation. Many thanks to all who have contributed so far.

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Paul Traub and Marc S. Dreier are named together as New York Superlawyers in September 2008.

"Attorneys selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers account for approximately five percent of the New York Bar. Honorees are selected based on a combination of peer voting, a blue ribbon panel review process, and independent research on candidates. All voting attorneys were asked to select only the lawyers they have personally observed in action."

    (These peer selection results based upon personal observation are published about two months prior to Dreier's arrest in Canada related to Dreier's scheme to impersonate and defraud some hedge funds and teachers' pension funds. Darn those g-d damned Canadians - they are screwing up the BigLaw equilibrium of "Justice" in the U.S.)

The press release showing how Paul R. Traub and a number of lawyers from his firm Traub, Bonacquist & Fox LLP including Steven E. Fox, Susan F. Balaschak, Maura I. Russell and Wendy G. Marcari became partnered with Marc Dreier and the organized crime parent firm bearing his name Dreier, LLP.

The document file name is Dreier-Bankruptcy_Attorneys_at_Traub,_Bonacquist_&_Fox,_LLP_Join-Dreier_LLP.pdf

file icon Dreier - NAP by David Relkinhot!Tooltip 01/28/2016 Hits: 4113

Here we go again! Can't stop the rocket...

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, -Against-

MARC DREIER, Defendant. Case No. 09-cr-085 (JSR)


The Relkin Law Firm, by David H. Relkin, Esq., hereby appears as counsel for whisdeblower 1 Steven ("Laser") Haas and Collateral Logistics, Inc. ("CLI"), where CLI was the Court-approved liquidation consultant in the eToys, Inc., Bankruptcy Case/ ("eToys"); wherein Laser informed the Court, and the United States Trustee's motion 3 to disgorge (the "Disgorge Motion") corroborated issues of bankruptcy fraud and intentional fraud on the court by Paul Traub's law firm of Traub Bonacquist & Fox ("TBF") 4 , and an Order was entered disgorging fees from TBF, after some of TBF's admitted, deliberate failures to disclose conflicts of interests resulted in sanctions against TBF.

Remember now, this is the case of the #BigLaw firm of Marc Dreier, the lawyer who used to pretend to be various important money people and fraudulently sign documents. Sure, BankruptcyMisconduct says all these lawyers are crooked, but like, really really over here, OK?

So Laser finally hooked up with a superhero lawyer David H. Relkin, the kind of guy who evidently took law school and justice at its word.  So Mr. Relkin started working tough, and what do you know, evidence started disappearing.  But this is beyond the kind of #Spoliation and document destruction like in the #Aureal case involving #Oaktree Capital.

We are talking about official court documents.  We are talking about court records disappearing from PACER.  We are not talking about documents being placed under seal after the fact.  We are talking about the record going X-Files on us!

file icon Dreier - Kovachevhot!Tooltip 03/29/2009 Hits: 3965
Previously sealed Kovachev indictment explicitly detailing acts in conjunction with Marc Dreier of Dreier, LLP.  The wire fraud acts are predicate acts of the RICO statute, and President Obama could direct his DOJ people to recover vast amounts of moneys under the RICO statute from all parties who had any role in the ongoing criminal enterprise known as Dreier, LLP as well as affiliates.  Moneys forfeited under the organized crime laws would go a long way towards limiting any future financial scandals on the part of law firms and accounting firms.  Interestingly, we see that the SEC dropped the ball when they merely slapped the wrist of Kovachev instead of insuring that the DOJ prosecuted him for prior crimesHow many pieces of our current financial crisis would have been averted if the SEC had simply done their jobs, instead of planned their own careers, and the careers of their relations?

La Cage aux Folles

Behold the absurdly bold and reckless crime spree of Marc Dreier, Esquire.  Read the sealed complaint against Marc Dreier, whose firm acquired Paul J. Traub's Delaware bankruptcy monstrosity.

Impersonating the CEO of a real estate developer in order to sell fictitious notes with forged signatures to some hedge funds. Who could have such Chutzpah?

Imagine, if you will, that you were a lawyer with "connections".

A lawyer who had "relations" with various government lawyers. Imagine a world of neo-mafia BigLaw firms with partners and associates infiltrating the revolving door fascade of justice in the U.S.

Imagine that your cousins in organized crime held various positions of power in the U.S. Department of Justice, and in various State offices of Attorney General.

Then you could get away with the financial equivalent of murder. In fact, Marc Dreier and his partners routinely got away with all sorts of conduct for years. A crime family orchestrated longitudinal corruption of the "Justice System" in the U.S. has hijacked prosecutorial discretion for the evil benefit of blood and money relations.