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Dreier - Kovachev
Details for Dreier - Kovachev
NameDreier - Kovachev
DescriptionPreviously sealed Kovachev indictment explicitly detailing acts in conjunction with Marc Dreier of Dreier, LLP.  The wire fraud acts are predicate acts of the RICO statute, and President Obama could direct his DOJ people to recover vast amounts of moneys under the RICO statute from all parties who had any role in the ongoing criminal enterprise known as Dreier, LLP as well as affiliates.  Moneys forfeited under the organized crime laws would go a long way towards limiting any future financial scandals on the part of law firms and accounting firms.  Interestingly, we see that the SEC dropped the ball when they merely slapped the wrist of Kovachev instead of insuring that the DOJ prosecuted him for prior crimesHow many pieces of our current financial crisis would have been averted if the SEC had simply done their jobs, instead of planned their own careers, and the careers of their relations?
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Created On: 03/29/2009 12:21
Maintained byEverybody
Hits4030 Hits
Last updated on 03/29/2009 15:04
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