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Paul Traub & Mark Dreier Named
Details for Paul Traub & Mark Dreier Named
NamePaul Traub & Mark Dreier Named
DescriptionPaul Traub and Marc S. Dreier are named together as New York Superlawyers in September 2008.

"Attorneys selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers account for approximately five percent of the New York Bar. Honorees are selected based on a combination of peer voting, a blue ribbon panel review process, and independent research on candidates. All voting attorneys were asked to select only the lawyers they have personally observed in action."

    (These peer selection results based upon personal observation are published about two months prior to Dreier's arrest in Canada related to Dreier's scheme to impersonate and defraud some hedge funds and teachers' pension funds. Darn those g-d damned Canadians - they are screwing up the BigLaw equilibrium of "Justice" in the U.S.)
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Created On: 03/29/2009 12:21
Maintained byEverybody
Hits5491 Hits
Last updated on 03/29/2009 15:06
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