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41. JP Morgan Culpability
... to compensate the innocent partners directly. We'll see. Everyone knows that When you lie down with dogs, you wake up with flees. But what is an underwriting desk supposed to do when one of your clients ...
42. Dewey LePerp
... counsel in light of the conflict of interest rules which have the effect of prohibiting all lawyers within a firm from representing more than one client in the same related criminal matter. Please do ...
43. Greatest Conflict Yet
... of criminal activity in the General American Mutual client raping. We believe that the "Accounting Something" is related to hush money being prepared for John M. Huff. We believe that all of the lawyers ...
44. ex post Dewey
... of law in America today is not to be beautified. BankruptcyMisconduct has shown that each of the three legs supporting the Dewey LeBoeuf stool are failed or failing. Clients won't materialize, their ...
45. Seeking Viability
... deserves their support to continue as a going concern: Banks, Partners, & Clients. Because if any of these three fail to gamble their money on Dewey's hopes, then the firm's implosion will be a foregone ...
46. Hennigan Bennett & Dorman
... the firm's own writings to their clients evidenced their blatant disregard for the California rules for avoiding Conflict Of Interest, and mandatory written informed consent and waiver thereto. In their ...
47. Dewey LeBoeuf: Viability
... of the risks, competing personnel interests, and professional repercussions to the affected lawyers involved, as well as to their current and prospective clients. However, our awareness and understanding ...
48. Bingham McCutchen: Viability
... its merger partner in the minds of potential clients, insurers, self-regulatory entities (bar associations), prosecutors, and the public. This is one reason why lawyers and their firms, who h ...
49. Bruce Bennett
... a reckless greed.  It's just that there Come's a Time when your history of cheating catches up with you. So it's not just the law firm that employs you that is at risk. Every client of Bruce Bennett places ...
50. Judge Bransten begs
... er of the bar, that Kasowitz et al. were engaged in conduct which had the affect of gouging client billings. It was after Berry became a whistleblower, sending communications internally through the pro ...
51. MF Global - Overview
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
...  from their clients Experienced liars, crooks, and lawyers come up with all sorts of different ways to spew fecal matter out of their mouths. Take for example the "polite" description of a bankruptc ...
52. Kasowitz Fee Padding
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
...  of Marc Kasowitz to unethically, and very likely unlawfully, inflate the bills to their clients. In addition to the firm itself, s ...
53. Kasowitz Benson
... Joey Piesco: Non vedo, non sento, non parlo If only Kasowitz had taken the "bold" stance of denying the alleged policy and procedures intended to inflate client billings, or even just the ...
54. Profiles In Dishonesty
DUANE MORRIS' Aron Oliner finally gets what BankruptcyMisconduct has long been saying about the law and conflict of interest.O'Melveny & Myers is known to viewers of The Sopranos from having been mentioned ...
55. To Rat, or Not To Rat
... brags about how they help convince their client Frank Bergonzi to cut a deal and snitch on his cohorts in crime in this excerpt from their own 2003 - 2004 report: Mail Fraud & Wire Fraud are some serious ...
56. WaMu WaMu
... clients of certain law firms start profiting as they traffic in this neo-fiscal tragedy. Mork would ask outrageous questions like: Wouldn't the nations most powerful bankruptcy firm set their prime objective ...
57. Washington Mutual
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... o just don't get the real world. One day WaMu is doing about the same as other big U.S. banks... the next day stockholders are screwed and the hedge fund clients of certain law firms start profiting as t ...
58. Bankruptcy Pimp Disbarred
... association with organized crime as Client #9 surfaced. Hey Eliot, you wimpy Putz, get ready for some videos that will define your true legacy... Eliot Spitzer is known in the public mind for a legacy ...
59. Sleaze Tracker: Dewey LeBoeuf Swallows Demon Seed
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... st legal fees, and many millions more in resulting client losses, were not enough to get people talking and the Office of the U.S. Trustee scrambling to cover their own asses... We still have the unaddres ...
60. Honest Services Fraud
... e when a corrupt SEC enforcement chief protects her husband's law firm's associations with hedge fund clients engaged in illegal activies. When any government official engages in honest services fra ...
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