We believe that the automakers are gown doing, they will be filing for bankruptcy protection. But the early planning stages and initial acts setting up the crimes that will be committed in conjunction with, and covered up by, the immense bankruptcy fee fests involving such bankruptcy filings.
Riddle Me This: First: Which criminally corrupt hedge fund involved in Vulture Investing at times intertwined with SEC violations has positioned itself to profit from a major U.S. Automaker's impending bankruptcy filing - as they collude to direct hundreds of millions of dollars in fees to corrupt bankruptcy law firms and other advisors including accountants & financial? Second: What could explain the insane notion of lending money to GM & Ford when they are either insolvent or bordering on insolvency and not requiring that they pledge their assets as security for the loan? Can you get a loan to buy a house or start a business without pledging the house on a mortgage or the assets of the business?
Note: We won't give credit for the obvious answer: "Congress is infiltrated by corrupt lawyers" because even school kids know that one.