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Bill Schuette's Avowal: I will defend Detroit's Penshioners
Details for Bill Schuette's Avowal: I will defend Detroit's Penshioners
NameBill Schuette's Avowal: I will defend Detroit's Penshioners

Download for free a copy of Bill Schuette's press release wherein he claims that he will fight for the rights of pensioners in the Detroit bankruptcy case.

BankruptcyMisconduct has placed a few comments in the pdf of Bill's press release: Important questions that anyone hoping to receive their pension must ask!

  • Bill: What investigation have you done of the known Conflict Of Interest violations by the Jones Day lawyers?

  • Bill: Why wait for the dirty lawyers to steamroll a plan that enriches their hidden hedge fund speculator clients?� Why not fight now to ensure the lawyers have a clean conflict track record?

  • What about Bill Schuette's responsibilities under the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct?� Such as Rules 1.10, 1.7, 8.3, and 8.4


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Created On: 07/29/2013 19:51
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Last updated on 07/29/2013 22:58
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