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Kevyn Orr's Destroy Detroit Plan - Minus the REST of the story
Details for Kevyn Orr's Destroy Detroit Plan - Minus the REST of the story
NameKevyn Orr's Destroy Detroit Plan - Minus the REST of the story

How entertaining that Kevyn Orr writes a plan for Detroit, when he omits the very basis, purpose, and foundation of his genuine scheme.  There is "The Truth", and then there is "The Whole Truth".

Orr schemed with his Jones Day associated lawyers who have a dirty track record of Conflict Of Interest violations to benefit their sometimes hidden hedge fund clients.

Should we be surprised that Mr. Orr intentionally withheld from the public the most important truth, fundamental to any understanding of his initial intentions and motivations.

Jones Day has always had one prime purpose, and Kevin Orr has always been the mole planted to ensure Jones Day would be King of the Vultures feeding upon Detroit.

Kevyn Orr is the pimp which will shame Detroit, and Jones Day is the meat grinder.

Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.

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Created On: 07/26/2013 15:21
Maintained byEditor
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Last updated on 07/29/2013 19:50
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