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Judge owning stock fails to recuse under 28 USC § 455
Details for Judge owning stock fails to recuse under 28 USC § 455
NameJudge owning stock fails to recuse under 28 USC § 455
DescriptionMr. Tare is a lot more resourceful, diligent, and committed than his unfortunate alleged opponents in organized crime acting under the Color Of Law would have hoped.  May we please have a Federal Special Prosecutor appointed at least as gung ho as the prosecutors who convicted Scooter Libby, Martha Stewart, L'il Kim and indicted Barry Bonds?  This case is looking like a slam dunk for any prosecutor to start his career with an apple-cart upsetting grand slam.  Or should we say grand slammer?  And what politician desires to have his name on the receiving end of a certified package detailing the crime allegations related to the bankruptcy conspiracy against WebSci, and then have to face public ridicule (if not criminal) for failing to act?
FilenameAppellant's Opening Brief 208-cv-01109-FSH Tare WebSci.pdf
Filesize1.74 MB
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 03/29/2009 13:48
Maintained byEverybody
Hits7317 Hits
Last updated on 03/29/2009 15:24
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