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61. Jon Corzine
... Funds Moved to JP Morgan" as reported by Bloomberg. While the fact that Corzine not only had knowledge, but ordered the blatant breach of customer funds doesn't surprise anyone who was worked on Wall ...
62. Dewey Strategy
Attention Readers: We are overwhelmed trying to post recent news topping this page dedicated to Dewey LeBoeuf's get rid of our senior partners "Strategy". Please refer to our "Connect The Dots" page ...
63. Hennigan Bennett & Dorman
... SONICblue case could be a factor. Read about how these guys worked waaaaay outside the box in SONICblue and Aureal. And if you've got a story to tell us about this crazy firm, or the lawyers who used to ...
64. Entities
... to cross the line and seek the easy money in corrupt alliances. Congress has long known of the corruption by Bankruptcy Rings. In fact, our laws were specifically designed with the knowledge of the ...
65. Dewey LeBoeuf: Viability
... acknowledged. Many partners have publicly conceded scienter of facts which were withheld from the PPM, and it seems, the banks ________________________________________________________________________________________ ...
66. Bingham McCutchen: Viability
... that the merger was not likely to close was accurate, the fact remains that 75% of the partners are being assimilated, which is almost an entire merger. In fact, we don't understand why MorganLewis wants ...
67. Romney's illicit Profit
... is benefiting from Federal Fraud. First – as Full Disclosure – your reporting these crimes – helps Laser Haas However, that is no substantial reason to decline to report the facts. I, Steven Haas, ...
68. MF Global - Overview
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
...  signed sworn affidavit of disinterestedness which "omits" the fact that anyone from his firm received even just $1 (or commonly millions of dollars) from a party in interest in a bankruptcy case, he ha ...
69. Kasowitz Fee Padding
(Frontpage Content/Frontpage)
... broad range of professional tasks from Computer Programming, Customer Service, Technical Support, Manufacturing, and even Medical Serv ...
70. Profiles In Dishonesty
... now we learn that her own firm also was getting paid secretly by a hedge fund, and they intentionally withheld this fact. And Martha Stewart went to prison for a supposed lie, corrected of her own volition ...
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