Details for Emergency Writ for eToys
Property | Value |
Name | Emergency Writ for eToys |
Description | The 3rd Circuit hears questions regarding allegations of Organized Crime in Federal Bankruptcy Courts, particularly in Delaware - the state through which is funneled the majority of the Billions of dollars of fees paid to bankruptcy professionals. This pleading references Congressional and Judicial acknowledgement of the existence of "bankruptcy rings", collections of operators including attorneys who prey upon justice under the obfuscatory protection of certain attorneys purporting to work in accordance with their sworn duties to the people. But some of these federal judges and U.S. Attorneys have business and professional ties to certain members of these professional bankruptcy rings. If you are in the mob in the NYC fish business, especially if you are Italian, everyone will know about it. If you are in the 'bankruptcy professional' mob, you will get filthy rich and the watchdogs will smoke with you. |
Filename | 3rd_Circuit_Emergency_Writ_eToys.pdf |
Filesize | 603.96 kB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/22/2009 21:06 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Everybody |
Hits | 5259 Hits |
Last updated on |
10/15/2009 20:52 |
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