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Short Version: DOJ $300M COVER-UP
Details for Short Version: DOJ $300M COVER-UP
NameShort Version: DOJ $300M COVER-UP
DescriptionThe best short version of the eToys crimes with the assistance of the DOJ as described by Laser Haas on one of his websites.  Later sections contain other snippets during this "pre-blossoming" phase of this massive organized crime / public corruption saga, which to date has has drawn the interest of many DOJ employees outside of the Office of the U.S. Trustee as well as certain members of Congressional Committees.  This document snapshot resides here on bankruptcyMisconduct.com to make the evil efforts at censoring and silencing the whistle-blower just that much more difficult for the media control operations of the organized crime operators involved in the underlying eToys crimes and their Cover-Up.  We are also happy to help raise visibility and speed dissemination of the issues to students and concerned citizens.  The file is in .pdf format and can be searched or printed.
Filesize432.11 kB
Filetypepdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 03/29/2009 13:51
Maintained byEverybody
Hits5889 Hits
Last updated on 03/29/2009 15:16
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