Details for Judge Walrath finds disclosure failure in eToys
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Name | Judge Walrath finds disclosure failure in eToys |
Description | Federal judge Mary Walrath agrees that there was a failure to make a disclosure in the eToys bankruptcy case, and orders disgorgement of fees from a lawfirm which failed in their disclosure duty. However, in a perverse abuse of the concept of "professional courtesy", Judge Walrath, for the benefit of her fellow lawyers, ignores the simple fact that each of the failures to disclose were criminal acts. The acts were criminal as they involved many dozens of false written sworn declarations by lawyers for the law firm. Thus, Walrath straddles the reality of the conflict failure with one leg as she attempts to balance her own reluctance (refusal?) to refer the perjury & fraud upon the court to the appropriate district attorney. You can't see one issue without seeing the other. Such a referral is required by the Judicial Cannons, case law and statutes including explicity Title 18 U.S.C. § 3057. Furthermore, the Judge is bound by ethical rules to refer the matter to the state bar. "Prostitution" & "Pornography" may be appropriate labels to describe this outrageous lapse of duty by judge Mary F. Walrath. In any event, we are compelled to state that we find her position rather unsightly, to see the least. Yes Virginia, this is called a cover-up. None other than renowned finance professor Lynn LoPucki at UCLA has done research on the bankruptcy industry and concluded that Federal bankruptcy judges are corrupt. Just read his book. Martha Stewart went to prison for a single fib. And yet, these lawyers made millions and are alleged to have helped channel some of the disappeared $8 Billion of value from the eToys estate to their own conflicted clients. The Federal government stands to gain many billions of dollars if it only proceeds with a slam dunk RICO prosecution of the vast neo-sophisticated organized crime hedge funds and lawfirms which dominate and abuse the unique American bankruptcy system. |
Filename | etoys-Opinion_of_Mary_F_Walrath_disgorgement.pdf |
Filesize | 136.58 kB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/29/2009 13:51 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Everybody |
Hits | 5156 Hits |
Last updated on |
03/29/2009 15:09 |
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