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Exhibits to Appeal of CA Bar Decision
Details for Exhibits to Appeal of CA Bar Decision
NameExhibits to Appeal of CA Bar Decision
DescriptionThe exhibits to the appeal (CABAURHBDS157298.pdf) of the decision against investigation and prosecution of the Revised Compaint.  These exhibits include flip flop decisions by the CA Bar, communications with them, additional documentation they requested, as well as the original Complaint (CABAURHBD1v5.pdf) and the Revised Complaint (CABAURHBD26.pdf).   The Complaint (as revised) was against lawyers who filed numerous false declarations in a bankruptcy court, such false declarations as having been in furtherance of numerous SEC Violations whereby a $30+ Billion dollar hedge fund took control of a public company, replaced its directors, and extracted all of the money - sharing none of it with minority stockholders, and failing to disclose in mandatory SEC filings the entire process.  The Original Complaint and the Revised Complaint are exhibit entries to the appeal, but these two documents are also available separately on this site in their original form as .pdf files with their internal document navigation links preserved when viewed with an Acrobat compatible reader.  
   Prominently featured in the Revised Complaint are conflicted clients of the Respondents: Oaktree Capital et al., Argo Partners and PwC a/k/a PriceWaterhouseCoopers

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Created On: 03/22/2009 20:08
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Hits5212 Hits
Last updated on 11/01/2009 18:22
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