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Federal Judge commits Bankruptcy Fraud
Details for Federal Judge commits Bankruptcy Fraud
NameFederal Judge commits Bankruptcy Fraud

The Judicial Conference of the United States gets it right, finds numerous ethical and criminal violations by Federal Judge G. Thomas Porteous including Bankruptcy Fraud. BankruptcyMisconduct calls this a good start, but hopes that fellow judges don't protect this treasonous pig. Martha Stewart and rapper Li'l Kim did serious jail time for much less serious obstruction and perjury. Let's throw the book at him, and have the government pursue a RICO case against all the lawyers who paid him bribes as well as their clients. The opposing parties need an opportunity to recover as well. Enough band aid corruption fighting, we need full cathartic elimination and cleansing and full restitution to victims of judicial and prosecutorial corruption.

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Created On: 03/29/2009 13:45
Maintained byEverybody
Hits4512 Hits
Last updated on 04/07/2022 18:20
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