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Loretta Lynch BitchSlapped by Laser re Goldman Romney Cover-Up
Details for Loretta Lynch BitchSlapped by Laser re Goldman Romney Cover-Up
NameLoretta Lynch BitchSlapped by Laser re Goldman Romney Cover-Up

For a decade plus, armed with confessions of intentional lies under oath, as the court appointed fiduciary over the eToys federal case, Laser Haas (“Laser the Liquidator”), has been blowing the whistle (see WSJ “eToys investors claim conflict”), all to no avail, on a million dollar bribe offer [to be a roaming manager of Bain Capital {like Jack Bush, Barry Gold or Michael Glazer}] and a billion dollar plus crime spree of The Learning Company, Kay Bee, Stage Stores and eToys.  & Goldman Sachs

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Created On: 08/06/2016 19:30
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Last updated on 08/06/2016 19:35
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