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Hillary Clinton OIG report - Portending Discovery Fraud
Details for Hillary Clinton OIG report - Portending Discovery Fraud
NameHillary Clinton OIG report - Portending Discovery Fraud

Why #HillaryClinton on #BankruptcyMisconduct?

#HedgeFund managers have been involved in much dirty pool, criminal conduct which seems #AboveTheLaw.  Like take #HowardMarks of #OaktreeCapital for instance. With all of the talk about #HillaryVsHoward we thought it proper to include here the OIG report regarding Hillary Clinton's dubious eMail system she erected while Secretary of State.  At the end of the day, we believe the intention of the personal server was to evade lawful Discovery, in particular under the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA).

You're welcome to compare the audacious Discovery Fraud by the crooked lawyers @JonesDay who represented their conflicted client Oaktree Capital as evidenced by free downloads on this site.

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Created On: 05/31/2016 10:49
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Last updated on 05/31/2016 12:04
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