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DanceMom's Abby Lee Miller Prosecuted whilst Hedge Fund & Lawyer ConflictFraud Flourishes
Details for DanceMom's Abby Lee Miller Prosecuted whilst Hedge Fund & Lawyer ConflictFraud Flourishes
NameDanceMom's Abby Lee Miller Prosecuted whilst Hedge Fund & Lawyer ConflictFraud Flourishes

We'll have a lot more to say on this.

Why is it that #ConflictFraud is allowed to enrich dirty #HedgeFund Managers and their False Affidavit filing dirty lawyers? This is for crimes involving from hundreds of Millions of dollars into the Billions of dollars.

But when a #Woman is alleged to have made a false statement involving far less than a million dollars, only a fraction, the #DOJ feels it must prosecute?

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Created On: 01/20/2016 17:07
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Last updated on 04/07/2022 13:14
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