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DOJ's own words on New York Area Human Kidney Trading
Details for DOJ's own words on New York Area Human Kidney Trading
NameDOJ's own words on New York Area Human Kidney Trading

Where There is Smoke, There is Fire

So, we are supposed to believe that there was only just a little bit of human kidney selling going on. We are supposed to believe that the Bankruptcy Ring with players in New York and New Jersey admitted 10 years of human kidney trading, but that there are no area hospitals involved in the illegal transplants, that there wasn't a single crime of insurance fraud ...

You think rich people would pay for an entire operation with their own money after they just paid six figures for the kidney?

... that there wasn't a single surgeon or operating room staff suspicious about the Playmate Cooler that arrived from the Middle or Far East, that there wasn't a single lawyer helping the crime ring to dot their eyes and cross their Tees.

Yeah right. Well, at least Ralph J. Marra Jr., Acting U.S. Attorney, never got the memo about how the "Justice" game is played for the benefit of the neo-mafia. Perhaps the title "Acting U.S. Attorney" should have been the tip off for our understanding, as if Marra skipped his orientation training.

Stay tuned at BankruptcyMIsconduct because we are not afraid to point fingers at the really ugly people involved, failing to do their official duties as prosecutors, or otherwise just plain ugly.

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Created On: 08/31/2014 12:24
Maintained byEditor
Hits4746 Hits
Last updated on 04/07/2022 13:17
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