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SEAL Coverup - Even the US Trustee Objects
Details for SEAL Coverup - Even the US Trustee Objects
NameSEAL Coverup - Even the US Trustee Objects

What happens when your half of the quid pro quo turns out to be insufficient in light of a controversy that just won't go away?

What a difference a few years make indeed, but apparantly ROBERTA A. DeANGELIS and her boy toy Mark S. Kenney have seen the light, and the sound of a speeding train has them objecting to a blatant attempt to cover up the eToys crimes by covering up the settlement.  Well, the company was long ago liquidated, so who are they trying to protect?

Download  eToys_2013_US_Trustee_Objection_to_SEAL_case.pdf for free from BankruptcyMisconduct.com

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Created On: 09/11/2013 14:17
Maintained byEditor
Hits4958 Hits
Last updated on 09/11/2013 14:22
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