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U.S. Trustee's peculiar responce in re: eToys
Details for U.S. Trustee's peculiar responce in re: eToys
NameU.S. Trustee's peculiar responce in re: eToys

It has been alleged that certain government lawyers operating as official U.S. Trustees including Stapleton, DeAngelis, Kenney and Vara, all committed Perjury in the Third Circuit appeal, as they defended the right to give implied, blanket, immunity to the felony acts, by stating, Falsely, in their opposition that the appeal had no merits. (3rd Cir 07-2360). Voluminous postings on the internet further allege 1) that some of the government lawyers involved in the eToys scandal were formerly associated with some of the Biglaw law firms which Haas "the whistle-blower" accused of fraud upon the court when failing to disclose conflict of interest, and 2) that some of the government lawyers alleged to have failed to take approriate initial action were later sitting in administrative positions having authority to evaluate subsequent complaints as to their own prior conduct, and further did not recuse themselves or make public this self-policing conflict.

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Created On: 03/22/2009 21:06
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Last updated on 04/20/2022 19:03
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