Details for American Future Fund Ad Targets Menendez
Property | Value |
Name | American Future Fund Ad Targets Menendez |
Description | The Menendez Implosion is gaining momentum. Here is an add calling into question the prudence of entrusting to much power and responsibility to a man when each day we learn more bad things about this embarrassing public official. Download a copy of the Menendez_American_Future_Fund_Ad.jpg ad. |
Filename | Menendez_American_Future_Fund_Ad.jpg |
Filesize | 487.55 kB |
Filetype | jpg (Mime Type: image/jpeg) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
02/16/2013 23:09 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Editor |
Hits | 3274 Hits |
Last updated on |
02/16/2013 23:15 |
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