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Regino E. Williams FBI Agent prosecutes colored Pedophiles
Details for Regino E. Williams FBI Agent prosecutes colored Pedophiles
NameRegino E. Williams FBI Agent prosecutes colored Pedophiles

The more we read about Bob Menendez - "Senator Pedophile" - the more all of the ugliness is revealing itself to be true. 

It seems the web site that broke the underage prostitution story didn't make up the FBI agent.  There really is an agent by the name of Regino E. Chavez and in fact he does investigate and prosecute pedophiles.

"For now", we just have this download item on Special Agent Chavez.  We may devote a full page to him soon, because he won an award it seems.  We want to make Chavez (and all other adults involved in the Menendez hush hush) a household name!

This document is a free download of an actual criminal complaint against a man having sex with an underage girl (by the way - same age as Menendez's young girls).  Now the man Chavez prosecutes in this example is not a connected Politician in the control of organized crime, nor is he White.  Senator Menendez is a white U.S. Senator. 

Thus we see the black guy getting hammered by the law.  And Senator Menendez still is getting his federal benefits, including free postage.

Who can help us on this?  Maybe Al Sharpton can explain why pedophilia only gets punished when a black man is caught?  Maybe if Menendez was only a teacher, or priest, or a dentist he'd be prosecuted.  

Hey Bob, would you please mail me a written responce to my questions?

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Created On: 01/27/2013 17:55
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Last updated on 01/27/2013 18:14
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