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SEC - so simple even a Caveman can see it!
Details for SEC - so simple even a Caveman can see it!
NameSEC - so simple even a Caveman can see it!

This document is a letter requested by Marc J. Fagel, the associate Regional Director for the Securities and Exchange Commission, during the course of a phone call which covered failures to comply with the mandatory reporting of the resignation of directors by the public company Aureal, Inc.  Such facts being far more egregious than the facts surrounding the enforcement action against HP for failing to disclose the reason behind a director resignation as stated in the press release by Marc J. Fagel and Linda Chatman Thomsen of the SEC.  Significantly, this letter details the control relationship over the non-complying Registrant by a multi-billion dollar hedge fund known as Oaktree Capital.  The resulting actions of the SEC will indicate whether the bold pronouncements by Ms. Thomsen re: firm regulatory action against hedge funds will truely apply to all such entities, including: hedge funds which hire former U.S. government attorney employees of the DOJ for services related to the acts

This document is self entitled SECAURHBDreq1.pdf as referenced during subsequent communications.  You can download or view a redacted version of which eliminated some personal address and phone information by clicking on the buttons below.

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Created On: 03/22/2009 21:06
Maintained byEverybody
Hits8753 Hits
Last updated on 10/03/2009 00:15
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