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Dumay v. Dewey LeBoeuf Labor Violations Class Action
Details for Dumay v. Dewey LeBoeuf Labor Violations Class Action
NameDumay v. Dewey LeBoeuf Labor Violations Class Action

Lawsuit filed in March of 2011 seeking Class Action status based upon allegations of willful and repeated violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act including failure to pay overtime.

Dumay vs. Robert Half International, Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, and John Does #1-10 case number 11CIV2207 before Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.

BankruptcyMisconduct has been unable to confirm the status of the lawsuit, if class action status was obtained, or whether John Doe #9 was equivalent to or affiliated with #9 f/d/b/a Eliot Spitzer(Sorry for that, but please keep your helpful hints coming.)  No matter what the current status, we think the allegations and factual circumstances described in the lawsuit are certainly germane to the Dewey & LeBoeuf discussion.

Read about our analysis and opinion of the financial troubles at Dewey LeBoeuf here, and on our (coming soon) page focusing on the law firm's own legal troubles.

You can download this lawsuit Dewey_LeBoeuf_v_Dumay-Labor_Violations_Class_Action_Complaint.pdf for free at BankruptcyMisconduct.com

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Created On: 03/20/2012 16:48
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Last updated on 03/20/2012 17:33
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