Details for Rumors on "Legal Blogs" acknowledged
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Name | Rumors on "Legal Blogs" acknowledged |
Description | Steven H. Davis, Chairman of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP just announced in March of 2012 a "reduction" of 5% of lawyers and 6% of support staff. But we'd be remiss if we failed to quote this little tidbit: Dewey & LeBoeuf has, in the last couple of days, been the subject of press stories on U.S. legal blogs. Hmmmm... How about that. The top dog could have just announced the "right sizing" - but no. Mr. Davis willfully chose to bestow credibility upon an unnamed collection of internet sites dealing with the legal industry. BankruptcyMisconduct is neither insulted nor unsurprised. Shan't we revel in life's simple pleasures? And interestingly, the press release also reveals:
Some recent partner departures have been consistent with the firm’s strategic planning for 2012, and we expect some additional partners to leave.
How do partner defections fit into "strategic planning"? That could make sense if they really meant to say "terminations" instead of "departures". Remember that whenever a firm operates in the zone of insolvency - the corporate doublespeak can flare up to aid the hope for plausible deniability, and such might be the case here. But the point which really tweaks our bullshit meter is that they expect more partners to leave. Really? Why don't you just tell us who, or at least how many and when? Do you expect any more rainmakers or department heads to leave? Well, Dewey & LeBoeuf are a private company so they need not tell us the truth. And we've got a feeling that their remaining employees, and the non-terminated partners 'expected' to abandon ship, don't expect it either.
Download the file Dewey_LeBoeuf-legal-blogs-rumors-confronted.pdf for free from BankruptcyMisconduct.com |
Filename | Dewey_LeBoeuf-legal-blogs-rumors-confronted.pdf |
Filesize | 12.86 kB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | admin |
Created On: |
03/04/2012 22:12 |
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Last updated on |
03/04/2012 23:04 |
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