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Dewey LeBoeuf SEC Fraud using client secrets
Details for Dewey LeBoeuf SEC Fraud using client secrets
NameDewey LeBoeuf SEC Fraud using client secrets

How low can you get?  One of the lawyers at Dewey & LeBoeuf actually was stupid enough to get caught in securities fraud by insider trading with client secrets.  Sure, securities fraud is bad enough of a crime.  Violating the sanctity of the client relationship by using client secrets for profit is "officially" one of the worst things a lawyer can do.  (outside of complaining about client overbilling, sorry couldn't resist)

Maybe this instance of SEC Fraud using Client Secrets was really just another case of Too Bad You Got Caught.

D&L is making themselves pretty famous here on the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct and their future is so bright, we've got to wear nose plugs.  If Dewey LeBoeuf intentionally wants to take on partners with at best questionable ethics track record, maybe this activity wasn't such an aberration? 

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Created On: 09/12/2011 16:43
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Last updated on 10/13/2016 22:13
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