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Lanson & Gwynn vs. FL Bar RICO
Details for Lanson & Gwynn vs. FL Bar RICO
NameLanson & Gwynn vs. FL Bar RICO

The Fox is Guarding the Hen House

Plus ... the Fox is writing insurance coverage for some wolves, so if an insured wolf gets caught harming a hen, the fox has to pay out some money.  Guess what?  Profits of the fox are maximized when none of the insured wolves get punished.

Who doesn't want to maximize profits?

Readers of BankruptcyMisconduct can immediately spot this as a conflict of interest.  How outrageous then that the Florida State Bar is in supporting exactly this sort of Fox Insuring The Wolves Attacking The Hen House absurdity:

The Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company (FLMIC) provides malpractice insurance to Florida lawyers. 

  •  John Harkness is the Executive Director of The Florida Bar, and A Director of FLMIC.
  •  Juliet Roulhac is a Bar Governor and  a Director of FLMIC.
  •  Ramon Abadin is a Bar Governor and  a Director of FLMIC.

 We look forward to the appointment of a Federal Special Prosecutor to unravel the tightly wound corruption in many of our nations bar organizations.

Download for free: 2008_04-21-08_Lanson_v.+The_Florida_Bar_US_District_Court.pdf

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Created On: 09/13/2011 13:06
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Hits4327 Hits
Last updated on 09/13/2011 13:50
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