Donna Sturman by David H. Relkin against Fraud BankruptcyMisconduct has a certain bias. That is to say, we tend to hone in on issues of conflict of interest. Thus we were especially taken by this assertion: One should also note that, at this point in the Cases, the Debtors, Joseph Warren, one of the executors of the Muriel Estate and the Entities were all represented by Stroock Stroock & Lavan, Judge Beatty's former law firm. see Page 31 of Sturman_Reply_Supporting_Motion_To_Reopen_by_David_H_Relkin.pdf DocumentsDate added
Attorney David H. Relkin, Esq. appearing for Partner/Shareholder/Beneficiary Donna A. Sturman in the bankruptcy cases of Bruce, Wayne, and Howard Sturman writes this Reply Memorandum Sturman_Reply_Supporting_Motion_To_Reopen_by_David_H_Relkin.pdf in support of reopening the dubious closure of their bankruptcy cases. This reads like an appellate filing.
The Hearing Transcripts Demonstrate The Hostility of the Court and the Trustee To Donna Sturman And Concede The Validity of Her Interests Read this press release!! BANKRUPTCY FRAUD INVOLVING JP MORGAN’S THEFT OF MILLIONS OF BANKRUPTCY ASSETS AND COLLUSIVE SETTLEMENT BETWEEN ALAN NISSELSON (THE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE OF BERNARD MADOFF) AND MARC GOLDBERG TO FRAUDULENTLY STEAL ASSETS IS RUBBER-STAMPED BY JUDGE BEATTY OF THE US BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Bankruptcy fraud by old boy network bankruptcy professionals, violation of due process, absurd rulings, and dereliction of duty and possible participation in conspiracy by a member of the Judiciary. Too much to adequately summarize. |
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