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... a good start, but hopes that fellow judges don't protect this treasonous pig. Martha Stewart and rapper Li'l Kim did serious jail time for much less serious obstruction and perjury. Let's throw the book ...
... doesn't begrudge a prosecutor choosing the most serious jail time for the worst offenders in an organized crime ring and cutting special deals for the alert and informed parties that proactively reduce ...
Suzzanne Uhland takes another slap. This time not from William McGrane, but belatedly from Aron Oliner of the firm Duane Morris. With "associate professionals" like Ron Oliner, who needs prosecutors? ...
... at the same time he schemed with his associates to harm the entity for which he held a fiduciary duty. But don't take the word of BankruptcyMisconduct on this opinion, read the official OIG document ...
... Fraud Upon The Court, is likely more pervasive and discoverable due to the use by some big dogs of surrogates. By the way, #HedgeCrimesMatter and it's just a matter of time before #ConflictFraud goes ...
6. CA Bar Complaint
(Download:HBD, Oaktree Capital, & Aureal)
... that the law firm HBD and its lawyers failed to make a timely and complete disclosure of all facts and relevant circumstances related to their concurrent representation of their conflicted hedge fund ...
7. Bharara Gets Compaint On Judge Lippmann
(Download:Bharara's Pretender Legacy)
...  schemed with his Jones Day associated lawyers who have a dirty track record of Conflict Of Interest violations to benefit their sometimes hidden hedge fund clients. Should we be surprised that Mr. Or ...
10. Motion alleging crimes favoring Mitt Romney
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
11. Romney - Response Due Date
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
... ail time for lying in a private placement memorandum. Remember what BankruptcyMisconduct said about the Culpability Gradient, and what we've always said about getting your de ...
Thank you readers of BankruptcyMisconduct for your warm wishes, we apologize for our time away. Here is a treat for you, our way of saying thanks. This document Dewey_LeBoeuf_Bunsow_Complaint.pdf is ...
14. Nothing Is Definitive
(Download:Dewey LeBoeuf)
Lawsuit filed in March of 2011 seeking Class Action status based upon allegations of willful and repeated violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act including failure to pay overtime. Dumay vs. Robert ...
16. Baker & McKenzie pen the "Bribe Memo"
(Download:Stone & Webster)
... , however, that three is any definitive rule on what constitutes timely withdrawal from what otherwise may constitute the Company's participation in a conspiracy.StoneWebster_Baker_McKenzie-bri ...
This document is a letter requested by Marc J. Fagel, the associate Regional Director for the Securities and Exchange Commission, during the course of a phone call which covered failures to comply with ...
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