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... allege 1) that some of the government lawyers involved in the eToys scandal were formerly associated with some of the Biglaw law firms which Haas "the whistle-blower" accused of fraud upon the court when ...
2. Dreier Corrected NAP
...  The Relkin Law Firm, by David H. Relkin, Esq., hereby appears as counsel for whisdeblower 1 Steven ("Laser") Haas and Collateral Logistics, Inc. ("CLI"), where CLI was the Court-approved liquidation ...
3. Dreier - NAP by David Relkin
(Download:Traub & Dreier)
...  The Relkin Law Firm, by David H. Relkin, Esq., hereby appears as counsel for whisdeblower 1 Steven ("Laser") Haas and Collateral Logistics, Inc. ("CLI"), where CLI was the Court-approved liquidation ...
5. Press Release: Laser Haas, David H. Relkin
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
6. Senator Sherrod Brown gets stuck in eToys web
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
Laser Haas pens another scorching letter which results in yet another government official faced with owning scienter of the eToys cover up. RE: Presentation of Facts of U.S. Government Willful Blindness ...
7. Haas v. Romney 2nd Amended Complaint
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
8. Judge, please hide this!
(Download:Bharara's Pretender Legacy)
9. Laser's Pithy Retort to DOJ's Acting AGC
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
10. Romney RICO Suit Press Release
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
11. RICO Complaint vs Romney Bain Traub
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
13. Affidavit of Haas
(Download:Haas RICO smackdown vs. Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Traub)
This sworn affidavit by Haas establishes his standing as a party in interest to the eToys bankruptcy case, in which allegations are made connecting Mitt Romney to a number of lawyers and bankruptcy professionals ...
14. Short Version: DOJ $300M COVER-UP
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
15. Haas Holiday Motion '08 - exhibit 3
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
What do you say, Laser?
16. Haas Holiday Motion '08 - exhibit 2
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
exhibit 2 - chairman's affidavit
17. Haas Holiday Motion '08
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
Looks like Haas may finally be getting taken seriously in Joe Biden's "CorruptMe" State of Delaware: EMERGENCY MOTION TO ADDRESS NON DISCLOSURE OF CONTINUOUS CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OF FAILING TO DISCLOSE ...
18. Haas Holiday Motion '08 - merry cast
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
19. eToys illegal immunity grant by the DOJ
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
The DOJ gave an illegal grant of immunity to certain lawyers in the eToys bankruptcy case as described in detail by Laser Haas. ...
20. Haas Holiday Motion '08 - exhibit 1
(Download:eToys Cover-Up)
Exhibit 1
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