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41. Agency Conflict
Perhaps the most striking similarity between Bankruptcy Courts and Surrogate Courts is the fundamental existence of Agency Conflict. The Headless Fee Pot - A "Sitting Duck" for Agency Conflict Abuse ...
42. Issues
... to have been yet another test proposed by Turing himself, but we digress. Fact is, the misconduct of the finance world, particularly as seen in our Bankruptcy Courts' playing fields, has crossed the ...
43. Quid Pro Quo
...    Bankruptcy Lawyers and Bankruptcy Courts Have No Criminal Juridiction Bankruptcy Misconduct points out that the bankruptcy courts are not criminal courts, and bankruptcy lawyers are not prosecutors. ...
44. Conflict of Interest
... of Interest is perhaps the single most important issue within the domains of Bankruptcy Misconduct and Bankruptcy Fraud. Congress knew about the dangers of corruption and deceit inherit in the courts ...
45. Preet Bharara
... ng ain't goin' away .... there's litigation in NY Courts about it How do you explain Eliot Spitzer's handling of the admitted Death Threat Advice given by a lawyer in the WorldCom / MCI bankrup ...
46. CA Atty Self Regulation
... previous abuses do not become widely known so that his or her statements are then discounted based on reputation, means that misleading behavior is not deterred by the courts adequately, and can even be ...
47. Countdown
... lines and within High Courts) that they are Above the Law and no one should dare challenge them "Or Else"! Director Lawrence Friedman of the US Trustee's removed Roberta DeAngelis ( see here ) ...
48. Private Trustees
... in the Federal Bankruptcy Courts includes private profiteers performing plain olde fashioned sexual harassment with some racist bigotry thrown in at no extra charge. You guessed it folks, Bankruptcy ...
49. Goldman Sachs
... lied under oath. Yet some bankruptcy lawyers and bankruptcy professionals file blatantly false sworn statements in Federal Courts with impunity. Worse, their bold faced, and admitted, lying is in furtherance ...
50. U.S. AG John Ashcroft
... U.S. Department Of Justice - was not only clearly aware of corruption in America's courts and the policing and enforcement sectors of our justice system, but he candidly admits that the vast majority ...
51. "Books & Records" Fraud
... uptcy rings, and is related to the corruption in our bankruptcy courts as identified by Professor Lynn LoPucki. http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=93480  ...
52. Pillsbury Winthrop
... w.r.t. investigations or prosecutions, etc. may be denied in accordance with standard insurance clauses. In otherwords, you can hide the truth from the government, the courts, and the bar associations ...
53. O'Brien's Dilemma
... information from a site devoted to public corruption involving the bankruptcy courts: ____________________________ ____________________________ The following is a small ...
... large crimes by these organized crime syndicates largely disappear in the bankruptcy courts, with the help of further neo-mafia syndicate members.  ...
55. Baron's Stores
... ke a secret agent on the inside, violating all of their oaths to the Courts, the bar, and the Constitution. We've seen this sort of thing in the movies and on television. It is a very ...
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