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Judge, please hide this!
Details for Judge, please hide this!
NameJudge, please hide this!

If you read no other eToys document to Preet Bharara, you must read this one.  Not just for what it says, but for what it doesn't say.  It doesn't say that any of the allegations written and sworn by Mr. Haas are false.  It doesn't say that Mr. Haas did not correctly argue the law, or that the alleged misconduct and crime have no bearing on the matter before the Judge.  Significantly, Lawyers of the DOJ fail to address either the truth of the facts in the allegations sworn by Mr. Haas, or the applicable law.

Instead, the DOJ Lawyers seek to have the truth buried by a technicality, and by asking a favor of the Judge to protect the careers of his brethren government lawyers.  Remember, DOJ Lawyers and Federal Judges are both just government lawyers, and they swap roles in the revolving door known as the legal industry. 

The DOJ Lawyers merely ask that since 1)  what Mr. Haas said about the eToys misconduct and crimes could harm the careers of government U.S. Trustee lawyers, and 2) that since Mr. Haas is not technically a creditor of the specific bankruptcy case before the Judge, would the Judge please ignore all Mr. Haas had to say and to delete the information from the official record as if it never happened and so that noone else can read it.

You just can't make this up.   Download the whole document at the buttons below.  here is an excerpt (emphasis added):

The Haas Statement, filed in this case under docket number 2210, contains impertinent and scandalous matter attacking the various professionals in these cases, including personnel of the United States Trustee Program. The impertinent and scandalous allegations of the Haas Statement carry the potential to injure the reputations and livelihoods of those professionals, and accordingly are not republished in this Motion.  However, because Mr. Haas is not a party in interest in these cases and does not have any standing herein pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 1109(b), the Haas Statement serves no legitimate purpose. Accordingly, the Haas Statement should be stricken from the record and expunged from the Electronic Case Filing docket in these cases.

WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, the United States Trustee respectfully requests hat the Court strike the Haas Statement from the record and direct that the Haas Statement be expunged from the Electronic Case Filing docket herein, and grant such other and further relief as is just and proper under the circumstances.

Respectfully submitted,

Dated: May 6, 2005
BY: /s/ Mark S. Kenney
Mark S. Kenney, Esquire


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Created On: 10/25/2009 00:00
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