Dewey LeBoeuf Dewey LeBoeuf might not be the worst of the bankruptcy bunch. Arguably, there are other BigLaw firms getting rich whilst frolicking upon the playing fields of our corrupt bankruptcy legal-industrial complex whose immorality, illegality, or bone headed flagrancy exceeds these days of Dewey's Distressful Dookie. Even thus speaking as the Devil's advocate, no person can deny that Dewey LeBoeuf today is quite the assembly of bankruptcy lawyers, indeed. DocumentsDate addedYet another respectable lawyer from a top firm, each in turn represented by highly regarded law firms, are swearing facts showing that Dewey LeBoeuf et al. engaged in a series of intentional frauds. BankruptcyMisconduct perceives that these frauds were committed by both mail and wire. Hmmm... Ain't them predicates to RICO? And as we've been saying on our Dewey Le'Perp page, the best white collar defense law firms in the NYC area are getting conflicted out right quick.
How often do you see a BigLaw firm getting sued for contributing to the collapse of an insurance company? Make that $3 Billion dollars. Sued by some established and respected law firms whose filing is filled with a scorching characterization of Dewey LeBoeuf's modus operandus: conflicts, negligence, and self dealing which permeated its representationJohn M. Huff vs. Dewey & LeBoeuf et al. Missouri Circuit Court, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Cole County, Case No: 09AC-CC00278 filed on May 26 2009 by Armstrong Teasdale LLP of St. Louis and Shaffer Lombardo Shurin of Kansas City. We don't even care how this particular lawsuit gets resolved. Corruption, or even just the practical realities of advocacy, could force the Liquidator to accept a few dollars from Dewey's malpractice insurance company - when what the Nation really needs is a Federal Special Prosecutor to put the Neo-Mafia Bankruptcy Rings out of business. We believe that a special place in heaven exists for those who forgo the easy profits of complacency and collaboration which dissuade many lawyers from representing clients brave enough to battle corrupt law firms. Kudos to the honorable officers of the court who "Show Us" that among some private practice lawyers: Duty Trumps Comfort. Read about our prognosis for Dewey LeBoeuf here. And hey, don't just take the opinion of BankruptcyMisconduct about these alleged Demon Swallowers when you can freely download Dewey_LeBoeuf-Accused_of_Conflict_of_Interest_Negligence_3Billion_Suit.pdf and read it for yourself. ![]() ![]() Indictment of some of the senior partners of Dewey LeBoeuf who were involved in the racketeering, wire fraud, mail fraud etc. prior to the collapse of the firm.
Download for free Dewey_LeBoeuf_Cyrus_Vance_Indictment-Against-Leaders-of-Firm_But_Ignores_Outside_Bankers_Finance_Lawyers.pdf
We're going to comment soon, but we couldn't wait to make this document available to our loyal readers. Enjoy!!
Thank you readers of BankruptcyMisconduct for your warm wishes, we apologize for our time away. Here is a treat for you, our way of saying thanks.
This document Dewey_LeBoeuf_Bunsow_Complaint.pdf is the actual lawsuit by the well known litigator Henry Bunsow against specifically named former managing partners of the bankrupt law firm Dewey LeBoeuf. The Defendants include Steven H. Davis, Jeffrey L. Kessler, Joel I. Sanders, Stephen DiCarmine, James R. Woods, and up to 200 unnamed persons. From our reading, the clear allegations of fraud and such crime is enough to trigger all sorts of criminal and ethical referrals. Wethinks there will be many third parties for BankruptcyMisconduct to track as to their own obligations under the ABA model code rule Maintaining The Integrity Of The Profession Rule 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct. How will all of the lawyers witnessing this airing of embarrassing laundry explain their own failures to report the misconduct? Oh, did we just telegraph something? How low can you get? One of the lawyers at Dewey & LeBoeuf actually was stupid enough to get caught in securities fraud by insider trading with client secrets. Sure, securities fraud is bad enough of a crime. Violating the sanctity of the client relationship by using client secrets for profit is "officially" one of the worst things a lawyer can do. (outside of complaining about client overbilling, sorry couldn't resist)
D&L is making themselves pretty famous here on the pages of BankruptcyMisconduct and their future is so bright, we've got to wear nose plugs. If Dewey LeBoeuf intentionally wants to take on partners with at best questionable ethics track record, maybe this activity wasn't such an aberration? BankruptcyMisconduct is not 100% sure how candid The Gang Of Four and the Chairman intended to be on this memo. According to the Wall Street Journal, the following memo was sent to all employees at Dewey LeBoeuf. We wonder if the phrase "nothing definitive" was intended to include things like "future paychecks", whether the office doors will be padlocked in a few days, and whether the firm intends to go lawsuit crazy on its own former partners. TO: Global Personnel
We note for the record that Marty is being formal. Dewey_LeBoeuf_NothingIsDefinitive.pdf
Sure, the regular for profit media reported on the downfall of Dewey LeBoeuf. After it clearly started and once they could no longer deny it. Quod Erat Demonstrandum Download Dewey_LeBoeuf_SEC_complaint-pr2014-45.pdf for free from BankruptcyMisconduct Hey Gang, Do we feel a new page coming on? Yeah, Baby! As Dewey LeBoeuf seems to be revealing itself as having operated as a criminal enterprise, the moiety forming the cover up will likely be first to splash the Zeitgeist. How ironic that a law firm would take part in developing a private placement memorandum which willfully and knowingly hid extremely important "guarantee" details. We believe it is called "Fraud". We also think that it will be very, very difficult for the underwriters to escape RICO consequences, unless they run to a DA and cut a deal. Assuming al arguendo that a prosecutor tees up Dewey LeBoeuf, let's put ourselves in her shoes for a moment. First, she may be a little upset at having had her precious little derriere backed down into a corner. Right? I mean what prosecutor would break the first rule from the Planet Of The Apes and actually bring charges against another ape? Well take a step back. Which of you believed any of the predictions of BankruptcyMisconduct concerning Dewey LeBoeuf, like our prescient point about brother attorneys in the firm ratting out their own former management? OK, you should be ready to have an open mind now. And thus, J.P. Morgan is in play. What will J.P.Morgan claim? "We asked them if there were any problems or hidden stuff under the rug and they said there is was none", or something like that. It doesn't really matter, because at least one party was a crook, and perhaps they both conspired. The funny thing is that these lawyers just don't get it. They are soooo used to lying under oath in their affidavits of disinterestedness, and getting away with when caught, that they just couldn't conceive of getting jail time for lying in a private placement memorandum. Come download Dewey_LeBoeuf_Private_Placement_Memorandum.pdf for free! Steven H. Davis, Chairman of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP just announced in March of 2012 a "reduction" of 5% of lawyers and 6% of support staff. But we'd be remiss if we failed to quote this little tidbit: Hmmmm... How about that. The top dog could have just announced the "right sizing" - but no. Mr. Davis willfully chose to bestow credibility upon an unnamed collection of internet sites dealing with the legal industry. BankruptcyMisconduct is neither insulted nor unsurprised. Shan't we revel in life's simple pleasures? And interestingly, the press release also reveals: Some recent partner departures have been consistent with the firm’s strategic planning for 2012, and we expect some additional partners to leave. How do partner defections fit into "strategic planning"? That could make sense if they really meant to say "terminations" instead of "departures". Remember that whenever a firm operates in the zone of insolvency - the corporate doublespeak can flare up to aid the hope for plausible deniability, and such might be the case here. But the point which really tweaks our bullshit meter is that they expect more partners to leave. Really? Why don't you just tell us who, or at least how many and when? Do you expect any more rainmakers or department heads to leave? Well, Dewey & LeBoeuf are a private company so they need not tell us the truth. And we've got a feeling that their remaining employees, and the non-terminated partners 'expected' to abandon ship, don't expect it either.Download the file Dewey_LeBoeuf-legal-blogs-rumors-confronted.pdf for free from |
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