Baron's Stores Yet another story of undisclosed conflict of interest. When that happens in a bankruptcy case, it is a fraud upon the court and a felony crime. Incarceration is mandated when a lawyer defrauds a court. Consider what happens when false testimony is given by non-lawyers: Martha Stewart was put in jail. That is also what happened to Little Kim. DocumentsDate added
Transcript showing that the Judge is aware of the fraud allegations related to the failures to disclose conflict of interest by former counsel, and the filing of an official plan and disclosure statement which the principles of the company deny they ever signed.
Please read on this site the filed Expert Opinion Finding Baron's Stores Official Plan Tampered.
Notice how the page numbering, footer, dates and signatures match.
Notice how the signature pages match.
Michael G. Kessler CrFA, CFE, DABFA FABFE is a Certified Forensic Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Internal Controls Auditor and works with Kessler International. Apparently Mr. Kessler has enough balls to stand up to organized crime and to speak the truth. I suggest that anyone needing the services of an honorable documents expert contact him.
Spot the Alteration which makes the document a fabrication and is evidence of the owners long sworn testimony that the Plan that was filed was not the plan which they agreed and signed.
Look at page 23, notice how the footer is for the lawfirms printed document ending in 903 yet every other page of the filed plan is for a different document bearing a footer ending in 904. My goodness, almost as if, some crooked lawyer took the signature page from a prior document and just swapped it for the signature page of entirely different plan. Everybody understands what is wrong here. Where is the DOJ?
A more obvious forgery than the Altered Plan. First, we see again the document version 903 signature page being swapped into the version 904 document. Second, the criminals had the problem of the page numbers not matching as the 904 document had more pages. Talk about brazen, they just included two pages #24 and #25. Attention: Dan Rather - the Department Of Justice might be dumberer than you and if you report on it you might get your old job back.
Can someone say "Smokin' Gun"? You need not take anyone's word but the experts'. And suddenly the picture is becoming clearer. Not only do we now have proof of the owners' longstanding allegations that they never agreed to the filed plan and never signed it, the disclosure failure crimes are compounded by this fabrication. By the way, fabricating a document which might be used in a legal proceeding is one crime, just one count. Actually filing the false document is another crime.
Read the experts clear and understandable opinion. Then download the documents from and you can verify it for yourself. |
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